Register now for the Seminar Dialogue 2021!
Following the successful Seminar Dialogue events organised in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, on the 1st of June 2021 representatives of the EUROPARC Federation will have a further chance to dialogue with the European Commission. Due to the restrictions still presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will take place online. The event is organized in collaboration with DG ENV, with the participation of DG AGRI.
This year we will discuss targets, criteria, guidelines, and funds for the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and the role of the Protected Areas.
By bringing together representatives of the European Commission and Protected Area professionals, EUROPARC aims to put a spotlight on the contribution of Protected Areas to the achievement of the European policy goals, whilst giving the European Commission a clear insight of the challenges faced by professionals in the field.
‘Seminar Dialogue’ is an opportunity to give a voice to nature within the European commission and highlight the importance of Protected Areas
The EU Biodiversity Strategy foresees a large role for Protected Areas. During the Seminar Dialogue 2021 EUROPARC Members will have the opportunity to hear directly from the European Commission on the different restoration targets, criteria and its implementation.
>>> Please register here <<<
(NOTE: the event is open to EUROPARC members and European Commission only). Information on how to join the meeting will be forward to you on confirmation of your attendance.
In order to facilitate the exchanges, a panel of selected participants will animate the discussion. The other participants will be able to send their questions by chat.
We very much look forward to a new fruitful and enlightening exchange and discussion.
Co-funded by the European Union.
The organisation of this event has been supported financially in the framework of the European Commission’s (Directorates General Environment and Climate Action) LIFE funding programme of operating grants for European Environmental NGOs. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the event lies entirely with the authors.