2024 European Youth in Parks Day

The European Youth in Parks Day is a commemorative day for Protected Areas across Europe involving young people in their daily work.

European Youth in Parks Day 2024: Fun, accessible and inclusive transport!

Register your event!

Check out the social media pack here!

This year’s theme for the European Youth in Parks Day focuses on transport in and around Protected Areas. This was one of the top 3 priorities based on the submissions to the EUROPARC Youth Council Youth Dialogue which ran in the first half of this year. Secondly, it is also relevant in two points in the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto under the banner of “Living in rural communities and Protected Areas”:

  1. Provide Transport throughout the year which is funded collaboratively by Protected Areas, national and local governments, businesses, and tourists.
  2. Create active travel networks and initiatives to encourage cycling and walking to aid health and wellbeing and offset climate change.

Within the broad theme of transport, there are different challenges in different contexts. depending on your event, you could choose one or more of the following aspects of transport to bring attention to it.

  • Fun: being active out in nature through outdoor sports is really good for young people’s physical and mental health. Many youth programmes taking place in Protected Areas allow young people to try out different sports and activities which they might not have been able to experience through their own means.
  • Accessible: our natural heritage belongs to all and should be accessible to all. Some people may have difficulties finding transport to parks which is accessible in terms of physical needs such as ramps, accessible information available online, language accessibility, and trained and supportive staff.
  • Inclusive: transport should be usable by all in society by being affordable, safe and covering a the whole populated geographical region.

What does fun, accessible or inclusive transport in and around our Parks look like to you?

Are you interested to participate in European Youth in Parks Day this year?

Organise an event for and with young people in your favourite Protected Area!

Step 1: Find partners and organise an event!

Speak to your local youth groups or partner up with others such as urban groups or national groups who are already working on the topic of transport. Some examples could be:

  • Rural Youth Europe has local and national groups working to improve the lives of young people in rural areas
  • LEADER Local Action Groups
  • Campaign for National Parks in England and Wales are running a Race to National Parks using public transport
  • European Network of Outdoor Sport which may have local sport groups near you

And remember to connect to your Protected Area management authority and especially their communications team!

Step 2: Register your event to add it to the map of events happening across Europe

Do share your plans with the EUROPARC network by registering your event. These will be imported into the map you see below on a regular basis.

Register your event!

Download the banner and logos here!

Step 3: Share your stories!

We would love to hear how the events went! Make sure to tag our youth pages on Facebook and Instagram (using the handle: @europarc.youth)  and use the hashtags #YouthInParksDay and #StrongerWithYouth!

Even if you are not able to run an event, consider making a social media post, highlighting the youth work your Protected Area does! On this day we want to be loud!

Step 4: Have fun!

We look forward to seeing your events, posts and activities!

Step 5: Submit your best photo

The photos will be featured on the EUROPARC social media accounts and the top photo will also feature:

  • In EUROPARC’s Annual Report magazine that goes out to all members
  • As the EUROPARC Junior Ranger Facebook Page Cover for the year
  • On the cover of the European Youth in Parks Day Report

Email them to us along with the name of the photographer and the following disclaimer:
“Without expectation of compensation or other remuneration, now or in the future, I hereby give my consent to EUROPARC Federation to use the photo(s) and video(s) I have submitted in their communication on online platforms and print media. This consent is given in perpetuity and does not require prior approval by me”

If you create any other materials such as videos/tiktoks/reels – do share them with us either by email or on Whatsapp in the Youth+ community

Step 6: Send us your feedback

This is the first official year of the European Youth in Parks Day and we hope it will grow better and bigger each year with your support!

About the European Youth in Parks Day

Imagine a day when all Parks and Protected Areas come together across Europe, celebrate their successes and declare the value and benefits of working with young people. Well, it is EUROPARC’s European Youth in Parks Day!

After the 2023 pilot event, the European Youth in Parks Day is set to take place on and around the 15th of September every year. It aims to bring young people closer to nature and raise support on the importance of involving young people in the work of a Protected Areas and empowering young people to lead.

LIFE program

The European Youth in Parks Day is made possible through funding of the LIFE Programme. Views and opinions do not necessarily reflect that of the European Commission or of CINEA.