Parc Naturel Regional Montaigne de Reims (FR) © Fanny Husson
EUROPARC is the umbrella organisation of Europe’s Protected Areas. It unites national and regional parks, nature and biosphere reserves, marine and landscape Protected Areas, together with a large number of Natura 2000 sites with the common aim of protecting Europe’s unique variety of wildlife, habitats and landscapes.
The Federations’ members represent hundreds of responsible authorities and thousands of Protected Areas in 37 countries. EUROPARC is recognised around the world as a professional network of European Protected Areas.
Check out who our members are in the map below.Additionally, you can browse them by alphabetical order in the Members submenu.
If you share our passion for Europe’s iconic landscapes and seascapes, traditional cultures and inspirational nature, then be a part of Europe’s strongest, biggest, most effective and off course friendly network in Europe then please support us, join us and work with us!
So why not join forces with Parks across Europe, find out what we offer you as a member and how you can get involved in making a difference to Protected Area management in Europe. Please visit our join us pages.