Certification and Professionalization
This page offers access to a series of supportive information regarding the methods of improving competences and occupations in the field of protected areas.
The global competences for protected area personnel have been compiled as part of the IUCN/WCPA initiative for professionalizing protected area management. The competences were compiled from reviews of previous similar initiatives, assessments of job descriptions and training curricula, workshops and on-going consultation with a global group of over 60 capacity development and protected area specialists. Click here to find more about the Global register of competences.
2. Assessment and certification (individuals and programmes)
Find the latest information about courses and other learning opportunities related to protected areas and biodiversity conservation, curated by the IUCN WCPA Capacity Development Group by accessing the page: PA and Conservation Learning News.
3. Directions for capacity development of protected areas :
- Little Sydney summary – identifies and communicates inspiring solutions involving protected areas for some of the world’s most pressing global challenges;
- IUCN WCPA Strategic Framework for Capacity Development – it describes the current situation concerning protected area capacity development, identifies major capacity development issues that need to be addressed over the next decade, and recommends pathways, goals, and objectives for future action.
For other initiatives in the field of capacity building for Protected Areas that should be included here, please write to us at office@propark.ro (state within the subject of the message: Capacity Building Section – Certification and Professionalization).