Charter Award Ceremony 2017. From left to right: Ignace Schops (EUROPARC President), Andrew Bianco (Cabinet of Commissioner Vella, Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries), Roby Biwer (Vice President Committee of the Regions). © Steffi Burger

European policies play a vital role for the current state and for the future development of our shared natural environment – including our diverse network of Protected Areas. So what’s the link between EU & EUROPARC?

EUROPARC advocates for members’ interests at European level and actively contributes to the development and implementation of EU relevant policies, providing expertise, facilitating the exchange of experiences and driving the information flow from and to our members.

The experiences and expertise of members and the regular exchange of information within our wide network are crucial if we want to be successful in our advocacy work.

EUROPARC Policy Work – Adding Value for Protected Areas at EU Level

  • Through managing much of the Natura 2000 network, Protected Areas contribute significantly to a broad range of European Union policy areas. EUROPARC promotes their value as successful examples of integrated landscape management and living laboratories for sustainable development as well as for the conservation of endangered habitats and species.
  • EUROPARC works to impact the development of policies relevant to sustainable PA management and supports Protected Areas in the process of implementing policies and regulations relevant to their daily practise and challenges.

EUROPARC Policy Areas

Main focus of EUROPARC policy and advocacy work is Nature and Biodiversity, which interlinks with the specific engagement in Natura 2000, sustainable tourism, periurban areas and green cities, regional development, health, education, fisheries, climate change, sustainable agriculture, and youth.

EUROPARC has been actively contributing to the implementation of the 7th Environmental Action Programme, the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Action Plan for Nature, People and the Economy.

EUROPARC welcomes the new priorities set in 2019 by the European Commission and the European Parliament in the EU Green Deal. EUROPARC Federation is strongly convinced that the vision expressed in the Green Deal is our life-line to a sustainable future. Therefore EUROPARC strongly supports the Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the Farm to Fork Strategy, and follows actively the European debates about the new CAP  and the new Climate Change policies.

If we want clean air and drinkable water for everyone. If we want a biodiverse and climate-neutral society. If we believe in justice and solidarity and if we would like to give a perspective to the future generations, for these reasons we give our full support to the EU’s Green Deal.

We are currently engaged toward:

  • The effective implementation of the Nature Directives and the Natura 2000 network.
  • The implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.
  • The integration of biodiversity priorities within agriculture and especially within the Common Agriculture Policy.
  • The integration of nature conservation within Climate Change policy, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation.
  • To ensure that enough funds are dedicated for Nature Conservation.

Updates arising from our representations, meetings and cooperation in the wider network of European Institutions are regularly made available for members on our website, facebook , linkedIn, Instagram and twitter feeds.

We encourage you to follow and to get in touch with our Brussels Office for further information or for sharing your knowledge with the wider EUROPARC network.