Capacity Building in Europe
Welcome to the section dedicated to Capacity Building for Protected Areas in Europe.
This section was created in the framework of the Project: ”Capacity Building Plans for Efficient Protected Area Management in Eastern Europe”, commissioned by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and implemented by ProPark Foundation for Protected Areas in Romania. More details on the project activities are available here.
It is designed as a hub to enable the sharing of information on relevant initiatives, projects and programmes around Europe, with the aim to support a competence-based, coherent approach to capacity building of Protected Area staff and other interest groups, to the benefit of nature.
The EUROPARC Federation is hosting it, offering its members and visitors the opportunity to find useful information regarding:
- Training and capacity building assessments, as well as information on capacity building initiatives and context for 23 different countries from Eastern Europe – with potential to be further developed in the future to include other countries
- The capacity building plans for those countries where these have been developed (click here);
- Learning opportunities from all over Europe – both at an academic and non academic level (click here)
- The IUCN work on standardizing the competence-based approach and certification;
- Useful resources from the region (click here).
We encourage you to check it yourself and share it with any interested person, organisation or institution.
To keep this section a functional platform, we need practitioners’ input! You are therefore welcome to share insights from your initiatives and experiences in the field of capacity building for Protected Areas that might be of interest for the community of conservationists.
If you have relevant projects, plans, capacity development programmes, questions, or ideas for building on our results, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (please use: “Capacity Building Section” in the subject of the message)