Year of creation: 1991
Number of members: 76 members
The core areas of work: Ecosystem services, awareness raising, funding strategies for protected areas
Contact person: Sonja Miller sonja.miller at
President: Peter Südbeck
About their work in Germany
A primary goal of EUROPARC Germany is to increase awareness and interest in Germany’s National Nature Landscapes (Nationale Naturlandschaften). The National Nature Landscapes is a brand that was created for German national parks, UNESCO biosphere reserves and nature parks in 2005. It enables parks and reserves to speak and act powerfully with one voice. Awareness raising and communication activities for the brand are organised by the Section.
In Germany, many companies recognise sustainability as an important part of their corporate strategy, either because of the intrinsic value of the services nature provides or because it makes them more attractive to customers thus raising their competitiveness. At the same time, nature and climate protection activities run by National Nature Landscapes often lack the funding and resources they need to be implemented effectively. To address this issue EUROPARC Germany created the platform Marketplace Nature. This initiative brings companies and nature projects together, establishing a common dialogue and creating benefits for both parties. Organisers and supporters of environmental and climate conservation projects use the platform to meet and share their needs and project ideas. Companies can either choose an existing project to support or find the right partner to address a priority issue in their corporate sustainability strategy.
Get more information about the new council of EUROPARC Germany here!