Who we are
Europe has a fragmented landscape which is under increasing pressure from competing land use demands, climate change and insufficient management. There is also a need to manage all Protected Areas with reference to their wider surroundings and in terms of their key importance for Europe’s natural heritage, its people and communities. This context necessitates change and holds significant opportunities – saving biodiversity is not optional: how it is used, managed, resourced and prioritised is important. New, better-integrated approaches and more innovative funding mechanisms are required.
Greater ecological coherence, increased protection for biodiversity and improved sustainability for our natural and cultural heritage and its resources are urgently needed.
The EUROPARC Federation therefore as the representative body of Europe’s Protected Areas, is the collective voice for all nature and landscape areas and seeks to build a stronger, unifying, European network organisation that is better placed to support our members and to respond to current and future challenges facing Europe’s nature.
EUROPARC provides a forum to share professional experience, collaborate on technical projects and progress common aims.
Find out more about our work and members and browse through information in our library, or get to now the latest news updates on European policy and Protected Areas.
Our principles
EUROPARC believes it is important that our work is underpinned by a set of values that should permeate our organisation.
We want to ensure that the set of values espoused by EUROPARC, is also embedded in both what we do and how we do it.
- COOPERATIVE: to learn and work with each other across Europe in order to develop and innovate Protected Area management.
- ENJOYABLE: to create fun and useful networking experiences where cultural and professional barriers can best be overcome and positive approaches to common issues developed.
- INCLUSIVE: to actively listen and engage in all aspects of our operations, ensuring we treat everyone with respect, care and empathy and are equal, fair and
welcoming in our actions. - SUSTAINABLE: to track the impacts that the work of our organisation has on the natural and cultural heritage and seek to maximise innovative solutions and practices.
- EXCELLENCE: to adopt the practise of continual improvement by providing networking opportunities for learning that offer and develop an understanding of best practice across all areas of our activities.
So if you find yourself in agreement, and want to help us build a network that helps your organisations and others across Europe than why not get involved!
EUROPARC Federation is a not-for-profit, non-governmental-organisation, dependent on financial support and expertise from our membership, partners and funders to take our work forward.
As a business or individual, you can also support the work we do. In doing so, you help us help nature, promote sustainable development and increase the understanding and conservation of Europe’s green inheritance.
To understand our organisation even better, have a look at our Strategy to 2030 here.
Use the menu to navigate through our projects and learn more about the Federation with our latest infographics: 10 Facts that you Should Know about EUROPARC
In September 2017, EUROPARC Federation and the European Association of Periurban Parks (Fedenatur) reached a friendly agreement to integrate and strengthen Europe’s leading Protected Area network. This merger created a Protected Area network that covers 40% of Natura 2000 sites (marine and terrestrial). In total the joining of these two organisations allowed the EUROPARC network to grow with 10%.
Periurban Parks (Parks in close proximity to large urban centres) are extremely important greenspaces where peak daily visitation can reach 34.000. In and around towns and cities, these parks provide services for a total population of almost 24 million people. Added to the 73 million people who visit, the 56 million who live beside and 4 million who reside in parks awarded with EUROPARC’s charter for Sustainable Tourism, the members of the combined organisations serve a constituency of at least 25% of the European population. Periurban Parks with their specific characteristics are examples of the desire to establish balanced relations between the city and nature. They create solutions to make residents’ leisure activities compatible with preserving natural environments.
As a result of this merger, EUROPARC has a Periurban Parks Commission and a permanent Periurban Representative as a co-opted member of our Council.