EUROPARC Federation Conference in France 2022 Photo: Lee Kershaw
Membership is the life blood of our organisation; we are de facto a member organisation, a registered association under German law. This defines our legal status, tax responsibilities and fundamental purpose. The organisation was created by members for members to support the work of Protected Area management in both its policy and practise. The membership further want an organisation to lobby and highlight the value and benefits of Protected Areas across Europe. Through international cooperation and sharing experiences across Europe, the membership of the EUROPARC Federation benefit our shared nature and landscapes and promote sustainable development.
From across Europe, many Protected Areas, organisations and a few individuals identify with the purpose and aims of EUROPARC and wish to be associated with the organisation and its work. Principally, our membership is made up of individual parks, national agencies, national and regional governments, some NGO’s and individuals, making up the remainder of the membership. They meet annually in a conference and General Assembly (GA). The GA is an important discussion point every year and is the final decision-making forum of the EUROPARC Federation.
The members elect a President and a Council, to oversee the work of the organisation. Further, the members elect an Internal Auditor to check, on behalf of the members, that the work of the Federation is undertaken well and effectively. The Council develops the strategic direction and work of the Federation.
The President and Council employ an Executive Director. That person reports directly to Council to implement the strategy, in whatever appropriate means and resources are available.
Sections are created by members who wish to form such groups from within the membership and working groups likewise can be formed to support the work of the directorate.
Standing committees have been formed for our Charter for Sustainable Tourism and Transboundary programme as they need external verification and evaluation.