Junior Ranger Camp 2020 in Finnskogen. Photo: Hans Ola Østby
Would you like to join the EUROPARC Junior Ranger and/or Youth+ network? This page will provide you with useful information about the whole process.
Join the EUROPARC Junior Ranger and Youth+ programme
To join the EUROPARC network of Junior Rangers and Youth+, your Protected Area first needs to be a member of the EUROPARC Federation. Both Junior Ranger programme and Youth+ are free initiatives for our members.
If your organisation is not a member yet, please visit our webpage on how to become a EUROPARC Member.
Once a member, your organisation has to go through 2 easy steps described here.
Step 1: Complete an online Registration Form
To start your application process, please fill out this short online Registration Form.
Step 2: Fill and sign the Partnership Agreement
Once you pre-registered with the online form, please download the Partnership Agreement and send us an email if you would prefer it in MS Word format. Fill it out and sign – either electronically or manually on a printed copy, then send the document to communications@europarc.org . We will then send you the document back, signed from our side as well.
Once we have received the Partnership Agreement, it will be co-signed by the EUROPARC Executive Secretary and you will also be sent the Junior Ranger and/or Youth+ Toolkit with the logos to be used on merchandise, social media and websites.
All the emails listed in the registration form will be added to a special mailing list for youth mentors and rangers, sharing opportunities and updates specially for you, the youth workers, and for the young people part of your programmes.
Step 3: Stay in touch and engage with us online!
Please follow us on Facebook and encourage your mentors and rangers to join the Facebook Group and for the young people to follow and engage with the Instagram. Remember to tag us in your own social media posts and use the hashtags: #StrongerWithYouth #JuniorRangers #JREurope #YouthPlus
If you experience any issue, don’t hesitate to contact us at communications@europarc.org.