Case Study
Detecting cycling activities with the use of Strava Heatmaps; Use of online available data in questions of visitor management
Contact name
DI Susanne Leputsch
Institution name
Vienna, Municipal Department 49, Forestry Office and Urban Agriculture
Region & country
Austria, Vienna, Viennese share of the Donau-Auen National Park "Lobau"
Members publicly track their sporting activities on the Strava sports social media platform. The map shows which routes are frequently used. Each year it is newly emerging. Similarly illegal use of runners’ paths can be recognised in map overviews. The heatmap 2023 was used for visitor management needs: to locate problems with illegal use of paths and off paths and make it by evidence visible within discussions about the topic and to decision makers.
The edited heatmap was a big help that necessary decisions were taken, so that fastly acting with communication and supervision measures was possible and successful, e.g. with Lobau Together Weeks, find allies, enable collaboration.
Online available data
(C) 2023 Strava | (C) Mapbox | (C) OpenStreetMap
Edited heatmap showing cycling activities and resulting management challenges
Map and Data (C) Heatmap (December 2023), edited by PlanSinn (April 2024)
Trail adaptation to the needs of the user groups
left: Map and Data (C) Heatmap (December 2023), edited by PlanSinn (April 2024); right: Map and Data (C) OpenCycleMap via (May 2024), edited by PlanSinn (June 2024)
Background of the project
The growing city with expected plus 50% for the district with the Lobau in it, further new online possibilities lead to increased abuse. Around half of the routes were travelled illegally in the national park area. It can be assumed that the sports cyclists are travelling fast and therefore are particularly problematic for visitors in terms of their recreational experience. In addition, the forbidden use of paths is a burden for animals and plants.
It is needed to take additional communication measures to explain the regulations and raise understanding and awareness. These measures have to be implemented as well online and on site and include new maps and signs and also the expanding of highly effective communication, including collaboration with stakeholders. Furthermore to correct online available data on platforms like open street map and in cooperation with providers of maps and trails for outdoor activities.
Solution and actions taken
Collaborate with partners and stakeholders to elaborate better maps and signs and to expand highly effective focus actions combined with personal communication and nature experience.
Actively contact providers of outdoor applications and address the situation, find solutions and correct the data together. Use the platforms to promote legal routes, e.g. Digitize the Planet to make the legislation applicable for outdoor platforms.
Together with our partners we contracted the corrections of OpenStreetMap and to offer legal routes, e.g. Komoot collections. We worked on possible adaptations of routes, are creating new maps and signs that will clearly show legal routes and restrictions, new pilot entrances in the National Park, that make the transition clearly visible. We conducted Lobau Together Weeks actively combining supervision and communication to raise awareness and acceptance for good behavior in the National Park.
Other institutions or parties involved
e.g. National Park Administration, nature conservation authorities, municipalities, landowners, stakeholders, provider of online outdoor maps.
Positive effect 2024 was a reduction of illegal use.
Changes in behavior of visitors, especially that live closely, counting and montoring of visitors, the sustainability of the process (ongoing ensure political support and personnel ressources, collaborations with local stakeholders, especially cycling community, improve online information at relevant platforms)
Lessons learned
Collaboration leads to a more sustainable use of the parks. It supports the effective protection of species and habitats.
Contact name
DI Susanne Leputsch
Institution name
Vienna, Municipal Department 49, Forestry Office and Urban Agriculture