Case Study
Visitor Management Lobau 2023+ Customised solution for periurban challenges in the Viennese share of Donau-Auen National Park
Contact name
DI Susanne Leputsch
Institution name
Vienna, Municipal Department 49, Forestry Office and Urban Agriculture
Region & country
Austria, Vienna, Viennese share of the Donau-Auen National Park "Lobau"
Intensive recreational use leads to enormous challenges meeting the National Park Goals and high risk reaching the rangers‘ psychological carrying capacity. Effective communication and steering measures are needed to ensure objectives remain achievable. An integrated participatory process combined existing data, local empiric knowledge and consulting of experts took place. First step were as-is analysis, collection of strategic and operative data and a definition of goals, then an assessment to estimate effectiveness of existing and new measures. An executive summary and new strategy helped to get political support. „Lobau Together Weeks“ started 2024 with support of the police, experts and local stakeholders. Results are positive.

We conduct Lobau Together Weeks 2024
(C) Stadt Wien

Overview of the process
(C) Stadt Wien

Analysis current situation
(C) Stadt Wien

Example of solutions
(C) Stadt Wien

Reaching many visitors in the Lobau Together Weeks 2024
(C) Stadt Wien
Background of the project
Littering, e.g. with doggy bags, going off the paths, illegal cutting of paths with electric chainsaws, tearing of wild animals by dogs, damage to habitats by tyres, camping, aggressive behaviour towards foresters, conflicts among users, increasing frustration and overload. Increase of visitors leads to decrease of “recovery phases“ for nature and rangers, to a high risk reaching their psychological carrying capacity, to withstand the workload without impairing performance and health.
Effective measures must be expanded to raise respectful behavior, reduce illegal use, enhance team-resilience. New measures considered by experts to be particularly effective shall be implemented. Online available data about visitor monitoring help, e.g. strava heatmap. All information has to be clear, easy understandable, with explanations.
Crucial is sustainable strenghtening of personnel, further human resources, provisions for conflict management, political support resolutions, funds.
Solution and actions taken
Being responsible for operative maintenance and involved in strategic development, the integrating of Viennese forestry staff with its rangers in the participatory process served to replace lacking data. To briefly explain the needs and get political support, with local stakeholders and experts a strategy was elaborated. It bases on the empiric knowledge of the staff as well as expert and local knowledge, as-is analysis, assessment of effectiveness of existing and appropriate new measures.
Cooperations with police, stakeholders, responsible persons of administration and experts were enhanced by asking for help to protect the Lobau and for volunteer contributions to conduct the Lobau Together Weeks 2024. Two activity weeks offered a diverse program to experience nature, information and supervision, reaching 10.845 visitors. A communication agency was hired to proof successful implementation. Coaching and further education for rangers took place, the work on new entrances started.
Other institutions or parties involved
To conduct the pilote “Lobau Together Weeks” from 29.04.-05.05. & 10.-16.06. 2024 many organisations helped together: 51 nature educators of 16 partner organisations, the police with 104 hours support for 444 hours on site supervision, students with 340 hours of Welcome in the National Park information stand.
After the pilot implementation 2024 the positive effects can be seen: Reduction of illegal use, enhanced resilience of the team.
Continous ongoing will be crucial for the successful conservation of the National Park within the City of Vienna.
Lessons learned
Involvement of staff at all levels supports effective protection. Collaboration leads to a more sustainable use of Periurban Parks. Tasks for the sustainability of the process are to ensure
• political support
• collaborations with local stakeholders, especially cycling community
• counting & monitoring of visitors
• clear information facilities at strategic points
• online information at relevant platforms
• personnel & financial ressources
Contact name
DI Susanne Leputsch
Institution name
Vienna, Municipal Department 49, Forestry Office and Urban Agriculture