Coexistence with Large Carnivores – Tools for young people
About the Webinar
Many young people are committed to helping build a future that is biodiverse, climate friendly and sustainable for people and the ecosystems we live in. As nature conservation organisations, we can provide young people with tools and support them in their efforts to grow, learn and shape their futures. In this webinar, we will be focusing on how young people can be bridges between nature conservation and communities, supporting sustainable conservation.
Our first speaker, Giulia Testa, the coordinator of the European Young Rewilders network, set the scene of wilderness in Europe and the return of large carnivores. Rewilding has become a very popular nature restoration method, especially by young conservationists who are committed to reversing the trend in the shifting baseline syndrome and supporting coexistence with wild animals.
Our second speaker, Alex Kassapis, is the Environmental Law Project Assistant and Biodiversity Project Lead at Youth and Environment Europe, the largest network of youth environmental organisations across the continent. Over the last years young people have been working together to raise awareness about the EU political scene regarding the downgrading of the wolf as well as driving advocacy efforts to raise the voices of young stakeholders through public participation processes.
Our last speaker, Christiane Röttger from the secretariat of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores and Adelphi, and is working to raise awareness about the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores, a longstanding initiative that brings together different stakeholders with an interest in large carnivores.
And lastly, together with two members of the EUROPARC Youth Council we showcased a new role playing game being developed by the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores, which can be used to introduce the different perspectives to young people in a fun and interactive way. We hope you enjoy the show!
Speakers & Presentations
Giulia Testa
Giulia Testa coordinates the European Young Rewilders network and has a background in environmental law, with a specialization in large carnivores and biodiversity legislation.
PresentationAlexis Kassapis
Alex is an EU Law & Sustainability graduate and is currently working on the Biodiversity and Environmental Law portfolios at Youth and Environment Europe (YEE).
PresentationChristiane Röttger
Christiane Röttger has more than ten years of experience in international species conservation and biodiversity policy with a focus on the development and implementation of regional and international programmes for the protection of endangered species.