The Junior Rangers in the Cairngorms National Park on European Youth in Parks Day. Photo credit: Will George
The European Youth in Parks Day is a commemorative day for Protected Areas across Europe involving young people in their daily work. In 2023 the EUROPARC Federation is piloted this event for the first time, coinciding with our 50 years celebration, looking forward to the next generation of nature stewards.
“Knowing is the key to caring, and with caring there is hope that people will be motivated to take positive actions. They might not care even if they know, but they can’t care if they are unaware.” ― Sylvia A. Earle
European Youth in Parks Day 2023: Our Nature, Our Future
In 2023 we piloted the first ever European Youth in Parks Day together with our members on the 23rd of September!
Because connecting young people with our natural and cultural heritage can have a postive impact on their physical and mental health and helps create long-lasting relationships.
On European #YouthinParksDay we want to showcase what young people can do to contribute towards sustainable development and conservation in Protected Areas.
Over 20 Protected Areas joined in!
See the map of all the projects here
Read the guidelines we shared with them here