Case Study
CucinAcost0 – Cooking lessons for young cookers apprentices (from high school) on how to cook edible wild plants
Contact name
Carmen Giancola
Institution name
Giardino della Flora Appenninica of Capracotta
Region & country
Molise Region - Italy
The aim of the project was to spread the properties and the use of edible wild plants, characteristic of our Region, in cooking. With this intention, the Professional Institute for Hotel and Restaurant Services has been involved in the educational path “Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro” promoted by the Ministry for Education, University and Research. The project was developed in two phases:
- First, the curator and the responsible person for environmental education of the Botanical Garden went to the Institute for a lesson about native edible wild plants;
- The second phase occurred at the Botanical Garden where students had the opportunity to have a direct experience, thanks to the Chef Mr. Michele Sozio, who cooked traditional dishes using edible plants typical from the mountain belt.
Cooking class using edible wild plants from the region
Photo by: Carmen Giancola
Background of the project
Most of the students already knew the possibility of using native wild plants in cooking, but most of them ignored that there is a wide range of wild species plants that can be cooked in several different ways.
There were not particular needs for the project. We tried to plan all activities in the more interesting way possible.
Solution and actions taken
In order to do that, we prepared pots with the most important edible wild plants to show to the students during the lesson.
They really appreciated it, as they had a direct sensorial experience and not just passive participants on a cooking lesson.
Moreover, when involving a real chef, students had the possibility to compare themselves with a professional, who cares about traditional cooking and knows his territory through the use of edible wild plants.
We needed to find all edible wild plants for the lesson and contact a local chef, who cooks traditional dishes with such plants.
Other institutions or parties involved
We involved a local chef, Mr. Michele Sozio, who is the owner of a little typical restaurant in Capracotta.
Students were so enthusiastic about the project, that they proposed new recipes with wild edible plants that were shown during the lesson.
There were not particular difficulties, besides the usual problems of organizing all project phases.
Lessons learned
It is so impressive how young students can be excited to learn new perspectives.
Contact name
Carmen Giancola
Institution name
Giardino della Flora Appenninica of Capracotta