Altitude Association / Natura 2000 Tarcu Mountains
Tarcu Mountains Day, 21 – 22 May
The event is organised by our association volunteers for Junior Rangers (kids) from 10 communities around the protected area. In 21 May there will be workshops organized for children aged 10-15 for the following activities: trekking (along a thematic trail), biking, kayaking, dragon flying, archery, handcrafting, geocaching, painting, camping, cooking. The kids will participate in several activities during the whole day, divided in small groups.
The kids will come with school buses and will go home at evening. In the second day, the volunteers will experience a trip to see an alpine lake (Netis) at 2100 m, close to the border with Retezat National Park.
The event is also encompassed in the project Junior Rangers in Tarcu Mountains Natura 2000 Site, financed by The Partnership Foundation (Fundatia Pentru Parteneriat and Mol Romania, in the program ‘Natural Protected Areas’. Some local recipes and products will be exhibited and served: tea and honey, fruit sweets, jams, syrups, donuts. Talia, the chef cuisine at Vilador Pension, will guide the volunteers to prepare the meals.
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
A Taste of Nature, 22 – 24 May
During 2 days, the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve will organise several activities with the local schools and NGO’s, to promote the rich biodiversity and some of the best seasonal and regional fruits.
Danube Delta Ecotourism Museum, 24 May from 10 am to 2 pm
The event will take place at the Danube Delta Ecotourism Museum Center (Aquarium) of Tulcea and will include a debate on European Day of Parks significance theme, an exhibition of posters/photos and a tasting session of traditional products of national and natural parks in Romania.
Piatra Craiului National Park
Nature and tradition in Piatra Craiului National Park, 24 May
The event will consist in the following activities: presentation regarding the natural and traditional values of Piatra Craiului National Park; guided tour of the Visitor Center and watching a short movie on the preparation of a traditional cheese; at the end of the activity a contest will took place between two groups of children, to assess their involvement and knowledge on the presented subjects. All participants will receive a diploma and promotional materials.