EUROPARC’s Climate Change Week
EUROPARC is actively involved in Climate change adaptation in Protected Areas through the LIFE Natur’Adapt Project. Through these three webinars participants dived into the topic of Climate Change adaptation thanks to the inspiring talks of six professionals in the field.
EUROPARC’s Climate Change Week: Summaries and Presentations
Webinar I – Wednesday 20 April 2022
In this first webinar, we started by presenting elements of the Natur’Adapt Methodology for Climate Change adaptation in Protected Areas. It was followed by a presentation of the results of a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of corridors in conserving terrestrial species in a changing climate.
Click here to watch Webinar I recording
1. Integrating Climate Change into Protected Area Management Practice – Elements of Methodology.
By Olivier de Sadeleer, Project Manager, LIFE Natur’Adapt, EUROPARC (Linkedin)
Over the last 3 years, the LIFE Natur’Adapt Project team has been developing a new approach, a methodology, on how to develop a Climate Change adaptation plan for Protected Areas. In this presentation, you got a sneak preview of the methodology itself. We also shared key learnings from the experience of PA managers that contributed to its development.
You can access the presentation here.
2. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of corridors for the conservation of terrestrial vertebrates in Europe?
By Hugo Mell, Scientific Project Manager, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle.
The presence of linear features in fragmented landscapes is thought to be essential to provide corridors for wildlife and connect populations that would be otherwise isolated. In the context of global climate change, preserving such connectivity might be crucial for the persistence of species forced to locally adapt and/or migrate in response to degrading conditions. Despite increasing interest in corridors for conservation, arguments for their promotion draw mostly on theoretical work. Here, we presented the results from a systematic review of the empirical literature about corridor effectiveness for terrestrial vertebrates in Europe.
You can access the presentation here.
Webinar II – Thursday 21 April 2022
When developing a climate change adaptation plan, understanding the future of climate is essential. In this second webinar, we discovered the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) from the European Commission and how it can be used for biodiversity conservation.
Click here to watch Webinar II recording
1. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)-How climate information can be made user-relevant and usable?
By Dr. Samuel Almond, Sectoral Information System Officer, Copernicus Climate Change Service, ECMWF, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (Linkedin)
C3S’s vision is to provide open access, authoritative, quality-assured climate information to support adaptation and mitigation policies and the development of downstream services in response to a changing climate. The presentation introduced how the data and the tools available through the Climate Data Store (CDS) can be used in specific user-relevant contexts relevant to EUROPARC.
You can access it here.
2. Copernicus Climate Information System for biodiversity
By Dr. Eline Vanuytrecht, R&D at VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) (Linkedin)
The new Sectoral Information System for Biodiversity (part of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)) offers quality-assured, tailored and ready-to-use bioclimate indicators for the globe, up to 1 km resolution, from 1950 up to 2100. Also available are applications to explore the indicators or assess a region’s climate suitability as well as six case studies that illustrate the service’s relevance for assessing climate impact. The service aims to provide operational support to decision-making challenges faced by the biodiversity and ecosystem services community.
Review Dr. Eline Vanuytrecht’s presentation here.
Webinar III – Friday 22 April 2022
In this 3rd installment, participants discovered the results of i) an evidence map on species translocations and ii) a meta-analysis on the effect of forest management abandonment, as measures for biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation.
Click here to watch Webinar III recording
1. A worldwide systematic map of species translocations involving protected areas
Following systematic mapping methods, we presented the results of a qualitative analysis of about 500 scientific articles on species translocation operations (manual transfers) involving a Protected Area from 1969 to 2020. We learned about what translocation was trying to achieve, what types of translocations were carried out, and what was the role of Protected Areas.
2. A global meta-analysis on the effect of the cessation of forest management on biodiversity
Based on systematic review methods, a meta-analysis was conducted on the effects of stopping forest management on biodiversity focusing on temperate, boreal and Mediterranean forests. We presented the evidence from this quantitative synthesis on the potential of this measure for biodiversity restoration.
Both topics were presented by Joseph Langridge, Scientific project officer « systematic reviews and syntheses », FRB – The French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB) (Linkedin)
You can access the presentation here.
Examples of Climate Change Adaptation in Nature Reserves
Here you can download six interviews that present the Climate Change adaptation plan of six Nature Reserves located in different biogeographic regions of France.
Peat bogs and bocage in low-altitude mountains
Réserve naturelle régionale des Tourbières du Morvan.
A forest in free evolution
Réserve naturelle nationale de la Forêt de la Massane.
Mid-mountain mosaic of habitats
Réserve naturelle nationale de Chastreix-Sancy.
Peri-urban wetland and braided river
Réserve naturelle nationale de la Petite Camargue Alsacienne.
Migratory crossroads on the Atlantic coast
Réserve naturelle nationale de Lilleau des Niges.
Mountain landscapes and habitats
Réserve naturelle nationale de Sixt-Passy Fer à Cheval.
If you are interested in the policy dialogue that we are entertaining, please scan through our discussion paper.
You can also jump in the Climate Change Adaptation Resource centre for Protected Areas in French or in English or join us on
If you have any questions or want to get involved, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
These webinars were powered by:
This webinar was supported by the European Union, in the framework of the European Commission’s LIFE funding programme of operating grants for European Environmental NGOs. The content of this webinar does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union – LIFE-NGO-EASME-2019.
LIFE Natur’Adapt project aims to transform the challenge of adapting to climate change in protected areas into an opportunity to innovate. It also focuses on triggering a transition towards the adaptive management of protected areas while laying the foundations of a dynamic collective learning process.
Coming up …
Do you want to further dive into climate change adaptation planning? Then save the date!