Among the objectives of IMPACT Interreg Europe Project, the identification of good practices is one of the priorities. These good practices are socio-economic or management activities that are being implemented in different regions of Europe and that can be used or applied in other regions or protected areas in order to foster the sustainable development of a region. Through its collection and exchange among partners, we can have a clear vision of the possibilities that protected areas have regarding the creation of green jobs, and consider its inclusion in the action plans for sustainable development that the project seeks. In this section we provide access to the good practices that have been identified by each project partner so far:
Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain
- Flow of tourists from the Western area to the Eastern area of Sierras de Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama Natural Park.
- Olivares vivos – Each olive tree with its owl.
- Model of collaboration with local entrepreneurs of public use.
- Carry out a territory development policy based on its contribution and demand for ecosystem services.
- Improvement of the perception of the local population towards the Natural Parks through the Sustainable Development Plans.
EUROPARC Federation (covering all Europe)
- Promoting open spaces in a forest park as a means of increasing biodiversity.
- SITXELL – Incorporation of the ecological values of natural spaces to urban and land planning.
- The Vitoria-Gasteiz Green Belt: actions for the conservation of biodiversity.
- Pond management for the conservation of amphibians in Collserola Natural Park.
EUCC Baltic Office, Lithuania
- Facilitating sustainability of nearshore fisheries in marine protected areas by integrated approach and communication.
- Shifting dune management on the Curonian Spit, a coastal UNESCO World Heritage landscape.
- Integrating nature tourism with coastal dune conservation in Lithuanian Coastal Region.
- Conflict resolution between protected area managers and a local community.
- Application of research-based models for site management to extend the summer season on the Curonian Spit.
Molise Region, Italy
- WWF Oasis Guardiaregia-Campochiaro Regional Reserve.
- Paths and ICT apps for self guiding tours in Biosphere Reserve “Alto Molise”.
- Protection of a river in the “CASALE” woods – LIPU Oasis – Casacalenda.
- Actions for the Promotion of Natural Resources of the WWF Guardiaregia-Campochiaro Oasis through the WWF Oasis Network.
- Transiberiana d’Italia.
- CucinAcost0 – Cooking lessons for young cookers apprentices (from high school) on how to cook edible wild plants.
- “Percorso dei sensi” – Path for disable people with aromatic plants to touch and smell – Botanical Garden of Capracotta, Italy.
- Co-operative “La Ramegna” Small Social Cooperative of Guardiaregia (CB).
- Ecotourism in Casacalenda (Campobasso).
- Regional Reserve Callora River: environmental restoration actions and environmental education.
- Establishment of the Regional Nature Reserve Monte Patalecchia and Lorda and Longaniello rivers.
National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism, Romania
- Evaluating the carrying capacity for visitor management in protected areas – Case study Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
- Landscape monitoring in two transboundary parks from Romania and Serbia: Iron Gates Nature Park and Djerdap National Park.
- Protected area management and awareness through education and volunteering.
- Education and Awareness campaigns in Vanatori Neamt Nature Park: “Ana has apples …for the bison!” & “The Bison’s Night”.
- Involving volunteers in participatory conservation of biodiversity in Rodna Mountains National Park, Romania.
Espaces Naturels Régionaux, France
- Health & Nature trip.
- Raising public awareness on fruit diversity through the POMEXPO trade fair.
- Sharing of “nature sports” experiences (natural training) with tourism and healthcare professionals.
- Awareness-raising among high school students, 15 to 18 years old, with respect to regional biodiversity.
- Organisation of a sheep transhumance in order to maintain remarkable natural environments.
- Creation of “Showcase gardens” demonstrating the region’s vegetable heritage at “Gîtes de France” tourist accommodations.
- Plantons Le Décor – Support for the production and sale of local plants.