During the EUROPARC Conference 2023, a special Conference Statement was produced. The statement underlines that to properly deal with the crisis we are currently facing,…
https://www.europarc.org/news/2023/10/europarc2023-conference-statement-the-time-to-act-is-now/In 2023, EUROPARC celebrates its 50th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, a EUROPARC digital, interactive storybook was launched during our annual Conference in The Netherlands….
https://www.europarc.org/news/2023/10/discover-europarcs-history-through-the-voices-of-its-members/EUROPARC is turning 50. On this occasion, our president turns directly to our membership with a message on the past, present and future. Article issued…
https://www.europarc.org/news/2023/09/50th-anniversary-quo-vadis-the-europarc/On the 24st of May we celebrated the European Day of Parks 2023 – Building on our Roots. This year, we brought special attention to…