Map / Bulgaria
Welcome! Here you will find information about Bulgaria regarding:
- Protected Areas management
- The Training and capacity Needs Assessment reports
- Capacity building initiatives/projects
Protected Areas management
There are various categories of Protected Areas in Bulgaria, including Reserves, National Parks, Nature landmarks, Managed reserves, Nature Parks, Protected sites.
The National Parks are administered by Directorates operating under the authority of MoEW (Ministry of Environment and Waters), the Nature Parks by Directorates operating under the Executive Forest Agency (Ministry of Agriculture and Food) and the activities in the Reserves and Managed Reserves are the responsibility of the Regional Inspections of Environment and Waters as part of their activities.
The Training and capacity Needs Assessment
The Training and capacity needs assessment report (2014) The ”Assessment of capacity development needs of protected area staff in Eastern Europe. Bulgaria” is based on a survey that has been filled in by the staff employed in the national Protected Area management system of Bulgaria in 2013.
The results of the surveys provide detailed information on staffing profiles, training provided in the past three years and structured assessments of competence, based on which recommendations have been developed.
The preparation and publication of this report was supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz: BfN) as a component of the project ‘Capacity Building Plans for Efficient Protected Area Management in Eastern Europe’ (Number: Z1.3-544 11-63/12 (FKZ: 3512 82 1800)).
The report is available for download at the end of the article.
Capacity building initiatives/projects
In Bulgaria, the Ministry of Environment and Waters and EFA – Executive Forest Agency (under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food), elaborate a training programme each year and implement it through the year.
Still, most of the trainings organised for Protected Area staff are implemented within international funded projects like:
2012 – 2016 “Linking Nature Protection and Sustainable Rural Development”
About the project: Capacity building of PA managers to diversify funding sources and generate alternative income for PA’s arising from the services they provide and cooperate with local agriculture and forest entrepreneurs in the management of PAs and NATURA 2000.
For more details, click here.
2014 „Strenghten the capacity of „Vitosha Nature Park” Staff” Reg №: А13-22-56/09.05.2014 г., with the financial support of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” Priority axis II: Human Resources Management.
About the project: The main goal of the project was to strengthen the capacity of NPD Vitosha and to improve the skills and specific knowledge of staff.
Also, there are two training centers /authorities:
– The Rila Monastery training center. A specially designed place where different training activities take place even if it is not a certified center for education.
– The Institute for Public Administration. His main activities are related to capacity building of the administration staff. IPA provides a huge variety of general trainings and in some cases some more specialized ones, however on subjects that can be of interest of wider authority.
For other initiatives in the field of capacity building for Protected Areas that should be included here, please write to us at (state within the subject of the message: Capacity Building Section – Bulgaria)