Map / Slovenia
Welcome! Here you will find information about Slovenia regarding:
- Protected Areas management
- The Training and capacity Needs Assessment reports
- Capacity building initiatives/projects
Protected Areas management
Protected Areas cover 12,6 % of the national territory of Slovenia.
About 75 % of all of them (9,6 % of territory of Slovenia) are State Protected Areas, managed by public institutes or by concessionaires, that are independent legal bodies supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Sector for nature conservation.
On the other hand many PAs, established by the counties, have no management agencies, no other staff and no real on-site management activities are in place.
Since 2010 PA agencies are joined in an Union of PA managers which helps cooperation and planning of common activities.
The Training and capacity Needs Assessment
The Training and capacity needs assessment report (2014) The ”Assessment of capacity development needs of protected area staff in Eastern Europe. Slovenia” is based on a survey that has been filled in by the staff employed in the national Protected Area management system of Slovenia in 2013.
The results of the surveys provide detailed information on staffing profiles, training provided in the past three years and structured assessments of competence, based on which recommendations have been developed.
The preparation and publication of this report was supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz: BfN) as a component of the project ‘Capacity Building Plans for Efficient Protected Area Management in Eastern Europe’ (Number: Z1.3-544 11-63/12 (FKZ: 3512 82 1800)).
The report will be available for download as soon as possible.
Capacity building initiatives/projects
Training of park rangers:
Surveillance in nature in Slovenia is also carried out by park rangers, who are employed at Protected Area management authorities. The regulative basis for the surveillance was first laid down in 2008. The Ministry, responsible for nature conservation, then also organised training and the exam, which rangers needed to pass in order to be authorized to perform their duties. After 2008 there was a long gap in further development of surveillance in nature. Some Protected Areas have organised internal training of their rangers, but as the Ministry did not schedule a new possibility for an exam, new staff could not obtain full authorization. As this was recognized as a serious obstacle of the Protected Area system, the Ministry took serious steps to enable further development of the national park ranger service. In October 2014 a new one-day training was organised by the Ministry. In 2015 the regulations on surveillance are being updated and the training is planned to be organised in the second half of 2015 in cooperation with the Police Academy.
2012-2014: The Dinairc Arc Parks project
The main objective of “Dinaric Arc Parks” project was to create Protected Areas platform designed to connect Protected Areas in the region based on shared natural and cultural values. Activities of the project were focused on networking among PA staff from the Dinaric region, capacity building and development of the brand Parks Dinairdes. The capacity building progamme covered issues of Protected Areas benefits, EU intergration, sustainable toruism and climate change.
For details about the project, click here.
2007-2011: The Dinaric Arc Ecoregion Project
The project was the first initiative to connect Protected Areas in Dinarides. Assesments and capacity building activites took place in Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. In 2010, an evaluation of economic benefits of PAs began. Management effectiveness and capacity needs were assessed in all six countries. Based on this a capacity building plan was developed jointly with partners, and completed in July 2010. Training on PAs economics and business plan development was provided to park managers and representatives of institutions responsible for PAs.
For details about the project, click here.
For other initiatives in the field of capacity building for Protected Areas that should be included here, please write to us at (state within the subject of the message: Capacity Building Section – Slovenia)