Tutorial "We are close to cities" at EUROPARC Conference 2016, Parc Jura vaudois, Switzerland © Joao Romba
Below you can download the tutorial’s presentation and case studies – some information is still missing but this page is being updated upon the reception of the material from each tutorial leader. For further information please contact directly the Federation to office @ europarc.org
2. Nous intégrons les usagers dans les districts francs fédéraux (FR)
Public involvement is necessary to the respect of the requirements for a federal district franc. What are the issues? Which stakeholders are involved? How is it possible to account for different wishes and constraints in the development of a management plan? What kind of partnership will benefit the implementation of the management plan?
Case study 1: District Franc Fédéral du Noiremont presented by the DGE (CH)
3. We are the political Landscape (EN)
Are parks a promising and reliable actor in regional governance regimes? Parks have to function within the framework of existing local and regional institutions and structures as well as national regulations. However, parks are characterized in most cases by overlapping existing political-administrative units and by an increase of the involvement of non-governmental stakeholders.
Case study 1: Regional governance and the Swiss model of parks (CH)
4. We are Biosphere reserves (EN)
What is a biosphere reserve? How are they managed? What are the benefits for a protected area being declared biosphere reserve?
Presentation and Tutorial results
Case study 1: UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch, presented by Florian Knaus
Case study 2: UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau, presented by Walter Kemkes
5. We are multiple Labels (EN)
Today, several labels may be given to the same protected area. How can one find his identity?
6. We are the Park! (EN)
Culture, tradition and identity create the landscape which is the backbone of a park and protected area. How do we celebrate living landscapes, promote and market them without losing our cultural integrity? Join the discussion to find out how others in Europe address this issue.
We Are the Park – Presentation
Case Study 1 – Espaces naturels régionaux, France
Case Study 2 – Territorial Identity, Espaces naturels régionaux, France
7. We are the Green list (EN)
The IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas (GLPCA) is a new global Standard designed to help protected areas achieve nature conservation outcomes. The Standard, developed by IUCN, is central to a voluntary scheme that encourages good performance in the equitable and effective management of protected areas. The GLPCA provides independent validation and recognition for areas that can demonstrate tangible conservation success. It is open to all types of protected area management categories, governance types, and designations, from World Heritage Areas to private conservancies, as well as ‘other effective conservation measures’ (‘conserved areas’). The GLPCA will build on positive results of the variety of management effectiveness efforts now conducted in most countries worldwide. It will measure progress towards effective and equitable management and celebrate and reward conservation achievements. This will promote engagement of people and government with protected areas in a positive way.
This tutorial will highlight the development of these new standards by IUCN and will explain how these will work for and benefit protected area managers.
We are the Green List – Presentation
Green List – Introduction and Main components
Green List – User Manual
Green List – Standard and Indicators overview (spreadsheet)
8. We are close to cities (EN)
Today, over 80% of the European population lives in urban and suburban areas. The majority of city dwellers are increasingly interested in preserving the environment in urban areas. This trend concerns the conservation of natural non-urbanized areas on the outskirts of cities. The use of such areas is often poorly managed because of their location. It is therefore essential to intensify efforts to protect fragile ecosystems. We explore issues regarding suburban parks and look at how we can share best practices and solutions through our network.
We are Close to cities – Presentation
Case study 1: Natural Parc of Collserola, Marià Martí (ES)
Case study 2: Parco Nord and Parco agricolo Sud Milano, Riccardo Gini (IT)
9. We are Marine (EN)
Marine Protected areas do just as their terrestrial cousins, just on a much more rapidly moving and less old ecosystem. In this tutorial we look at how people, including tourism operators, interact and work with the marine protected areas. We explore how to build effective relationships that can work on land or sea!
Case study 1: Associación Hipoocampus Seahorses, La Manga del Mar Menor, Murcia (ES)
Case study 2: Dolphins connecting people, Kornati National Park, Martina Markov (HR)