MARKETPLACE // Monday 26th October from 5pm
This year an exciting opportunity for members and sections to share their experience will come in the form of a EUROPARC marketplace – a place for you to highlight your project, find a new parter, networking or just to give a taste of your country! EUROPARC wants to link your experiences and projects with members, sections and partners bringing a lively marketplace of ideas and innovation. The target is to connect better our network by concrete direct exchange! Drinks and snacks from your region can be brought to show and share with your colleagues.
How can you be involved?
First you need to attend the conference, then let us know you are interested by filling in the registration form. Once we know, then we will allocate as much space as is possible, to members from across Europe. Those who are confirmed can then bring a display in the form of posters, brochures and food or products and we will provide space and tables. The availability of electricity supply (if you wish to show video/slides) is limited so again this will need to be advised in advance. Hot food will not be permitted at the venue. Off course during the marketplace someone should be on your stand to give information.
Space will be limited in the venue so you MUST register if you wish to be involved. We will not be able to accommodate anyone who turns up with posters/material or roll ups, so please use the marketplace option on the registration form.
Please support this event by coming along with a colourful fun display about YOUR section, YOUR region, YOUR project, YOUR park.
And hang around for the dinner and party afterwards!!
SIDE MEETINGS // Tuesday 27th October
On the afternoon of Tuesday 27th, open space is available for members to host small side meetings. These are informal gathering, no AV /Presentation facilities are available, but a chance to go analogue! talk and listen to other members work in specific areas. If there is a specific topic you want to cover, please let the office know ( k.reichhardt @ ) and we will gladly let other members know.
SIDE MEETING by ProPark Foundation for Protected Areas
Professionalization of Protected Areas management
Would you like to learn about successful ways of making Protected Areas teams more efficient?
Would you like to know about useful tools needed to improve Protected Areas capacity building both at a country and Protected Area level?
Would you like to meet and interact with professionals that plan to make a positive change in their countries when it comes to professionalization for Protected Areas?
Join us on the 27th of October to benefit from the experiences of Croatian, Georgian, Romanian and Moldavian Protected Areas professionals who were developing tools and plans in the past two years with the support of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).
Our objective is to promote the results of ”Capacity Building Plans for Efficient Protected Area Management in Eastern Europe” Project with the aim to encourage professionalization of Protected Areas management around Europe using a competence based approach.
During the meeting you will find out about:
– Training needs assessment conducted in more then one thousand Protected Areas in 23 Eastern European countries
– The need for and the process of developing Capacity Building Plans at a national/regional level
– The initiative to create a pool of trainers on key topics for Protected Areas management across Europe
– The recently launched section with information on Capacity Building for Protected Areas on EUROPARC’s website
SIDE MEETING by FNR, BioEuParks Project (held in german)
Biomasse aus nachhaltig bewirtschafteten Naturparken
Strategien zur Etablierung nachhaltiger Wertschöpfungsketten
Der Stellenwert von Biomasse für die Produktion von Energie steigt stetig in Europa. Zusammen mit Ihnen wollen wir Potentiale und Möglichkeiten der Nutzung nachhaltiger, lokaler Biomasse aus Naturparken diskutieren. Zudem soll der Workshop zur Vernetzung relevanter Zielgruppen beitragen und den Erfahrungsaustausch fördern.
Diese Einladung richtet sich insbesondere an Vertreter/-innen von Naturparken, an Vertreter/-innen aus dem Bereich Bioenergie, an Experten/-innen und die interessierte Öffentlichkeit. Im Rahmen des Workshops werden Ergebnisse und Praxiserfahrungen aus dem EU Projekt BioEUParks präsentiert. BioEUParks zielt darauf ab, effiziente und nachhaltige Versorgungsketten in fünf europäischen Naturparken zu etablieren. Dies soll durch kurze Versorgungswege und Kleinanlagen in oder im Nahbereich der Naturparke umgesetzt werden.
In einem ersten Block werden informative Vorträge einen Einstieg in das Thema geben und Praxiserfahrungen aus dem Naturpark Sölktäler (Österreich) vermitteln. Im Anschluss geben Diskussionsrunden Raum und Zeit, sich mit anderen Experten auszutauschen. Veranstalter des Workshops „Biomasse aus nachhaltig bewirtschafteten Naturparken – Strategien zur Etablierung nachhaltiger Wertschöpfungsketten“ ist die Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR). Der Workshop wird in deutscher Sprache durchgeführt.