Case Study

Active for Nature Parks

Contact name

Ulrich Köster

Institution name

Association of German Nature Parks e.V. (Verband Deutscher Naturparke e.V.)

Region & country



The project “Active for Nature Parks” supports the formation of partnerships between Nature Parks and regional businesses, institutions and organizations. The core of this partnership relationship is a joint commitment to the goals of the respective Nature Park, which is expressed in the “Active for Nature Parks” award, which is presented according to specific criteria.
The basic message of the project, which the Nature Park and its partners are jointly communicating to the public, is therefore: “We are actively committed to sustainable development in the Nature Park region and together we will make the Nature Park known to the public”.
This project supports goals as e.g. protection of biological diversity, sustainable development etc.

Active for nature parks

Lüneburger Heide

Background of the project

Networking with partners is essential for Nature parks. German Nature Parks work together with a lot of different partners in order to reach their goals. But there was no common approach or common criteria for these cooperations and it was not visible what partners support the work of the Nature Parks.

The cooperation of the Nature Parks with partners and the support of the Nature Parks by partners should be supported. By these cooperations the sustainable development in the Nature Park regions should be strengthened. And it should be made visible which partners support the Nature Parks work. A national approach for the cooperation supports the Nature Parks e.g. since exchange of the work in this area is easier.

Solution and actions taken

• Development of national criteria for award “Active for Nature Parks” for partners of Nature parks and for support of sustainable development of the region
• The awarded partners get a sign they can use to make their engagement and support of the nature Parks work visible in the public

• analysis of status quo in Germany and other European countries
• development of criteria for an award for partners in a model Nature Parks Lüneburger Heide together with all nature Parks in Lower Saxony
• trial period in Nature Parks Lüneburger Heide together with partners
• design of label “active for nature parks”
• further development of the criteria concerning climate protection in another project with model Nature Park Ammergauer Alpen

Other institutions or parties involved

• Project development together with “Neuland Plus”, a consulting office for regional development
• model Nature Parks Lüneburger Heide together with all nature Parks in Lower Saxony
• model Nature Park Ammergauer Alpen


• In the Nature Parks Lüneburger Heide, Ammergauer Alpen and Uckermärkische Seen partners have been award with the label “Active for Nature Parks”
• More Nature Parks have interest to implement the project


• Development of criteria for the award “Active for nature Parks” that are relevant for regional and sustainable development and at the same time feasible and not to bureaucratic
• Finding an approach that fits for all German Nature Parks
• Designing a label that conveys the main message of the project

Lessons learned

Nature Parks in Germany have an interest to use a common national approach for awarding a common label to their specific partners according to national criteria. It is helpful that these criteria provide a common framework that can be further developed according the regional need.
The Partners of the Nature Parks are highly interested to get a label that makes their support for the Nature Parks work visible.

Contact name

Ulrich Köster

Institution name

Association of German Nature Parks e.V. (Verband Deutscher Naturparke e.V.)


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