Dynamic nature care, a solution to adapt to Climate Change? – A conversation with Myrthe Fonck

Climate Talks – Episode 1.

This is the first episode of the series Climate Talks, a five-part documentary that aims at better understanding what it takes to adapt to climate change.

In it, we will discover how, in the face of climate change, dynamic dune management brings co-benefits for drinking water production, coastal defence and biodiversity while restoring the adaptive capacity of ecosystems and communities.

This episode is in Dutch language with English subtitles.

I think climate change is also a great opportunity for nature management because nature can be a very beautiful part of the solution – Myrthe Fonck

Featuring in this film:

Myrthe Fonck
Sr. Advisor Nature and Recreation
& Member of the EUROPARC Task Force on Climate Change

Veronique van Meurs
Boswachter Noordhollands Duinreservaat

Raymond Duindam
Manager Noordhollands Duinreservaat

#coastaldefence #northsea #dynamicdunes