Denmark – 27 May 2018 – Nationalpark dag i Ho

Nationalpark dag i Ho

Date and Time
Duration:4 hours
Organiser:Nationalpark Vadehavet/Wadden Sea National Park
Parking place by Thomas Langehaven


Nationalpark dag i Ho

For all families, all ages must be mobile Nature adventure…

View event details

For all families, all ages must be mobile
Nature adventure both via walks and by tractor bus at Ho Bay. Starting point from Thomas Langehaven parking place in Ho departing by tractor bus to Langli where nature and wildlife will be explored and viewed. Finishing point at Ho Inn, with a tasting of the local cuisine in the shape of a grill sausage.
Booking is necessary – please telephone: +45 75 22 08 77.
Maximum 50 people per round trip.

First trip starts at 12.30 pm
Second trip starts at 13.30 pm
Third Trip starts at 14.30 pm

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