Biodiversity, the foundation for climate change adaptation? – A conversation with Etienne Aulotte

Climate Talks – Episode 3.

This is the third episode of the series Climate Talks, a five-part documentary that aims at better understanding what it takes to adapt to climate change.

In this episode, we’ll discover how adapting forest management to imitate the natural evolution can support biodiversity and help develop the robustness of ecosystems to extreme climate events in a periurban context.

This episode is in French language with English subtitles.

“In light of climate change, I believe even more that developing ecological connectivity is a real opportunity that we should invest in” – Etienne Aulotte.

Featuring in this film:

Etienne Aulotte
Head of Nature Development and Agriculture Department
Brussels Environment
& Member of the EUROPARC Task Force on Climate Change

Frederik Vaes
Head of the Forest Department
Brussels Environment

#periurban #connectivity #beechforest