Latest Project updates:
LIFE Layman’s report
LIFE Guidelines for replicability – summary edition
LIFE After-LIFE Plan
LIFE Final Report
Virtual Summer School: Report on the Natura 2000 in practice
LIFE Socio-economic impact assessment report
LIFE Lessons from the project and guidelines for replicability
How can a comic-book help to communicate important messages for nature?
A first! The LIFEedu Virtual Summer School on Natura 2000 management
Building alliances for Natura 2000!
Hear from Jorge Bonache: Participant in LIFE
A year in the life of
The LIFE e-Natura 2000 app is now available!
What are the Competencies for effective management of Natura 2000 sites?
People for Nature: ProPark honours nature conservation professionals in Romania
Get to know the Romanian course: Applied conservation biology
Coming soon: a smartphone APP for Natura 20000 managers!
The Spring School Life in Padova
Kullaberg Nature Reserve: an interview with Elena Bazhenova
April 2019 Read the full article
Did you know that the Kullaberg Nature Reserve has been declared a sustainable tourism destination under European Charter of Sustainable Tourism since 2017! Learn more about its unique marine and terrestrial flora and fauna and read the full interview with their Project Coordinator Elena Bazhenova!
Project Kick-off Meeting in Brussels & 1st Technical meeting
June 2018 Read the full article
Over four days, 14 representatives from the project partners plus four external experts gathered in Brussels for back-to-back project kick-off and technical meetings, host by EUROPARC in its headquarters in Brussels.

Life Project Kick-off & 1st Technical meeting – Brussels, 25 to 26 June 2018
Starting in April 2018, the implementation phase of the project has included the following main actions:
- The first and second technical meetings to plan the project’s development – Brussels in June and Castelfranco Veneto PD in November;
- Two meetings with the NEEMO external monitor for the project – Freiburg in July and Regensburg in December;
- A Report on the specific competencies identified as being required by Natura 2000 site managers;
- A workshop as part of the 2018 EUROPARC Conference to gather views about the competencies identified and skills required by various types of Natura 2000 managers;
- The English version of the online application form created, ready for translation into Spanish and Romanian and launch in Spring 2019;
- Development of a pilot online Training Needs Analysis tool commenced, to be rolled out in 2019;
- Development of an online application form – requests for applications will be launch in 2019, so watch this space!
- The project’s common framework for Natura 2000 management training initiated, ready for the production phase of the project – in 2019, partners will develop learning content matched with delivery tools to be tested.
- Establishing the project’s administration and management procedures for internal coordination and required reporting