“Natura 2000 in practice” Spring School

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“Natura 2000 in practice” Spring School

The Spring School will take place between 6 and 10 April in Italy. It aims to disseminate in-depth knowledge on innovative aspects related to the management of Natura 2000 sites and develop technical skills together with participants on the ecological and planning tools towards the appropriate management of these protected areas. Therefore, it is an integral part of the LIFE e-Natura2000.edu project and enables managers to connect with peers.

Lectures will be carried out at the Agripolis Campus of the University of Padova and in two Natura 2000 sites: the Euganean hills (IT3260017 “Colli Euganei – Monte Lozzo – Monte Ricco”), that are also part of the homonym regional park, and the Bosco Nordio integral natural reserve (IT3250032 “Bosco Nordio”). The context of these two sites includes semi-natural habitats, agricultural and industrial developments, community settlements, and tourism services. This makes for a useful case for the management of Natura 2000 sites and related ecosystem services. The field visits will function also as a “hands on” management solutions and will enable attendees to share their experiences and concerns.

The Spring School lectures will have an interdisciplinary approach, during which active participation will be prioritised through discussions and facilitated group-work sessions. In-depth information will be given for the main concepts related to Natura 2000 management (e.g. conservation status and degree).

Linked to these relevant features, theoretical and practical information on different tools and approaches for the identification of ecological indicators, management prioritisation, ecological risk assessment, monitoring protocols, engagement strategies and participative approaches will be discussed. We will use group-work and case study examples to consider how to apply best practices in Natura 2000 sites ‘on the ground’.

This new Spring School is organised by the Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Padova (TESAF), EUROPARC and the project partners of “LIFE e-Natura2000.edu: supporting e-learning & capacity building for Natura 2000 managers” (LIFEedu for short).
