Outdoor Sports Euro’Meet conference 2022
How can we maximise the power of outdoor sports to make our lives and societies ever greener and healthier? This is the main theme for the 6th edition of the Outdoor Sports Euro’Meet conference.
A key event for the sector
The Outdoor sports Euro’meet is the strategic outdoor sports event and brings together key stakeholders committed to outdoor sports sustainable development. The Euro’meet provides a unique and engaging conference format that encourages interaction, networking and high-quality knowledge sharing. This event brings together outdoor sports experts, decision makers, outdoor sports federation representatives, practitioners researchers from the outdoor sports sector, national agencies, academic institutions, local authorities, not for profit organisations and businesses from all over Europe for experiential learning, development and sharing.
Three days, three topics: one goal
It’s now more important than ever to become proactively involved in the transition to a greener outdoor sports sector. Therefore the Outdoor Sports Euro’Meet 2022 conference will address three essential topics, within the theme “Green Sports for a Greener and Healthier Europe”, that will provide opportunities for in depth discussions and inspiration.
Balancing access, activities, and protection: We must not take nature for granted. At the Outdoor Sports Euro’Meet 2022 we will focus on how to develop and carry out projects in Protected Natural Areas and reduce our climate impact. We will also raise the question on how to go beyond sustainability to promote restoration of nature and biodiversity in our practices.
Be active, be healthy, be outdoors: We know, that the outdoors and outdoor sports are effective tools in health promotion and disease prevention, but which activities do actually work best? How do we organize our activities and communicate effectively to target groups that are not “the usual suspects”? The conference will create discussion points and share solutions to these key aspects.
Welfare and the power of the outdoor: There are many opportunities for integrating nature and outdoor activities in existing public welfare – in existing schools, daycare, health care and many more aspects of our societies. How do we move on from goals, policies and strategies to actual projects and activities? How do we involve our communities in this transformation of public welfare? The Outdoor Sports Euro’Meet 2022 will bring a focus on how we can take action on these important questions.
Propose a workshop and showcase your project
This conference will be based on active participation. This is why we encourage participants to propose engaging workshops, or to showcase their own practice-based or research project results that could inspire other participants to turn knowledge and experience into action. We are also seeking your nomination(s) of outstanding projects, initiatives which have recently demonstrated exceptional achievement and commitment to promoting the development of outdoor sports and be aligned with the shared vision of the European Network of Outdoor Sports Charter.
Secure your ticket* now to join the most important event for the outdoor sports sector!
*Special discount applies on conference fee for ENOS Members.
We need your input! Complete a survey on training experiences for Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers
To further develop nature management capacity for Natura 2000 managers, we seek your help.
We have prepared two surveys—one for Training Providers and one for Training Participants—to collect information about trainings for Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers.
1. Survey for Training Providers
will collect information about existing training programmes (whether your training is provided as part of a course, networking event, or project etc.)
Click here to start the survey for Training Providers
We also invite you to forward the survey for Training Participants to your network of learners using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3FZZ3FL
2. Survey for Training Participants
will collect information about training experiences you have had for Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers.
Click here to start the survey for Training Participants
What is the purpose?
Existing training events will be part of a report analysing European experiences with capacity building and training specifically developed and provided for (current or future) Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers.
These two surveys are part of the three-year LIFE ENABLE project led by the EUROPARC Federation and seven international partners that aim at forming the European Nature Academy for Applied Blended Learning.
You can visit the project’s website here.
The European Nature Academy will…
- make all training currently offered more visible and accessible to nature managers
- apply a blended learning approach
- be a training and networking hub for Protected Area management with a focus on Natura 2000
- increase our impact altogether to improve professional capacity development in nature conservation
Thank you in advance for filling out the survey, we look forward to receiving your input!
LIFE Programme is 30!!!
LIFE is 30
About LIFE
The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. It began in 1992 and so far has co-financed more than 5 500 projects in the field of environmental protection.
LIFE sub-programmes
The new LIFE programme phase (2021-2027) has four sub-programmes:
- Nature and biodiversity
- Circular economy and quality of life
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Clean energy transition
The European Commission has increased LIFE funding by almost 60% for 2021 – 2027.
It now stands at €5.4 billion
The EUROPARC Federation & LIFE
There are various LIFE Programmes EUROPARC is currently involved in:
1. LIFE UrbanGreeningPlans (2021-2023)
The LIFE UrbanGreeningPlans project aims to pave the way for urban areas throughout Europe to include Green Infrastructure, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and the promotion of healthy ecosystems in their urban planning. The project supports one of EUROPARC’s main messages: the value of green (peri-)urban spaces for our daily physical and mental well being.
2. LIFE Natur’Adapt (2018-2023)
Natur’Adapt aims at triggering a transition towards the adaptive management of Protected Areas while laying the foundations of a dynamic collective learning process.
Join us in France at the EUROPARC Conference organised in the framework of the LIFE Natur’Adapt Project, focusing on Climate Change Adaptation in and around Protected Areas.
More information will come soon – stay tuned!
3. LIFE ENABLE (2021-2024)
The LIFE ENABLE project will provide learning opportunities for Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers, to become more effective, competent and confident nature management professionals. It will create the European Nature Academy, a European training hub for nature managers that will continue beyond the lifetime of the project.
Happy 30th birthday, LIFE!

Happy 30th birthday, LIFE!
Webinar: Green Tourism: Make it real! The key role of the ECST in tackling the new challenges ahead.
Join the next EUROPARC webinar on Sustainable Tourism
- 1st of June
- 11:00 CEST
- Register for free here
EUROPARC will host a webinar on Sustainable Tourism, which more than ever plays an important role in achieving the ambitious 2050 climate-neutral goal. The webinar is organized on the occasion of the EU Green Week 2022 “EU Green Deal – Make it Real” and the 20th anniversary of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST).
In this webinar, we will explore how the ECST can be used to implement the new EU strategy for sustainable tourism proposed by the European Parliament in 2021. In addition, we will look at the new strategy that is being prepared by Slovenia’s Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve (awarded with the ECST 2016 and 2020), to become a sustainable tourist destination by 2025+.
There will be a focus on managing seasonality, congestion, high expectations, spatial developments and risks, as well as understanding new forms of tourism that have emerged over recent years.
Webinar Programme
Welcome and Introduction to the webinar
By Teresa Pastor, manager of the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas, EUROPARC Federation.
Sharing ideas, suggestions and experiences amongst participants to make Green Tourism a reality, based on:
- The European Charter of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas and the 2021 EU policy for Sustainable Tourism, by Stefania Petrosillo, Policy Officer, EUROPARC Federation
- A new development plan for the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve to become a Sustainable Tourism Destination 2025+, by Klemen Langus, Director of Tourist Board Bohinj and Coordinator of Julian Alps Destination
The Speakers
Stefania Petrosillo
Stefania is our Policy Officer in Brussels. Stefania is an expert in advocacy and policy, and works in close cooperation with international NGOs and other EUROPARC partners.
Klemen Langus
Klemen has been the Director of Tourism Board Bohinj for 15 years. He is vice president of Alpine Pearls and the coordinator of the Julian Alps Biosphere Region.