The EUROPARC Federation has just launched its 2014 Annual Report!
EUROPARC Federation Annual Report 2014 screenshot © EUROPARC Federation
“Coming Together is a beginning, Keeping Together is a process, Working Together is a success.”
Last year was another special year for the EUROPARC Federation and 2014 was certainly a year for EUROPARC members to come, keep and work together.
With this report we are bringing you an overview of what the EUROPARC Federation has been working on and for: our last annual conference in Killarney National Park (Ireland), the election of a new Council and President, the European Day of Parks, our participation at the World Parks Congress in Sydney, and much more…
You will also find the summary of the achievements coming from the regional and national EUROPARC Federation Sections.
With a membership that comes together, keeps together and works together we are sure of more success to come.
See here EUROPARC’s 2014 highlights – the German and French versions are also available!
The European Day of Parks is upon us once again!
European Day of Parks 2015 © EUROPARC Federation
European Day of Parks 2015 “Nature is Our Business”
24 May, all over Europe!
Every year EUROPARC members “gather” events around May 24th to celebrate and raise the profile of the value and benefits of all our Protected Areas. By coming together around one theme, on one occasion in the year we have a stronger collective voice.
This year we show the nature we have in our care, is valuable in its own right, but needed for business too. So why not make a special natural market place, showcasing all your local products, or make a joint promotion with sustainable businesses? You can even highlight nature guiding and nature watching in your park… show that looking after nature is the “business “of the park.
We celebrate officially on the 24th May, marking the date when the first national parks in Europe were founded, but please also use the week around this date to organise your events.
What can you do for the European Day of Parks?
1) Organise an event!
Register here for the event.
2) Have access here to the logos, cards and posters we have prepared for you and that you can use for promoting the event in your Protected Area!
More info on our webpage dedicated to the European Day of Parks.
Join the European Day of Parks 2015 initiative and make this day an unforgettable event!
Registrations for the 2015 EUROPARC Junior Ranger Camp are now OPEN!
Participants International Junior Ranger Camp 2004 in Donau-Auen National Park (AU) © Donau-Auen National Park
14th International Junior Ranger Camp 2015: in Action for Nature
Do not miss the opportunity for a week full of excursions, nature conservation activities on the field, games, workshops and experience exchanges this summer!!
EUROPARC’s annual International Junior Ranger camp will be kindly hosted by Metsähallitus in Nuuksio National Park, a real “back to nature” camp from 11th-18th July.
We are waiting for all of your numerous registrations for this very exciting experience into the wild.
DEADLINE for registration is May 8th.
For more information on the camp read more here.
Agriculture and Biodiversity
Biodiversity and Agriculture in Maas Schwalm Nette Nature Park © Water Board Rivierenland
EUROPARC and Slow Food are working together to promote closer cooperation for sustainable agriculture and biodiversity among Protected Areas and local producers, and as part of our joint cooperation, we are pleased to publish the leaflet “Agriculture and Biodiversity in Protected Areas”.
The document includes some first good practice examples from within our respective networks and invites members to share their experiences towards the creation of a European network of Protected Areas actively committed to protecting high quality agriculture.