The EUROPARC Federation has just launched its 2014 Annual Report!
“Coming Together is a beginning, Keeping Together is a process, Working Together is a success.”
Last year was another special year for the EUROPARC Federation and 2014 was certainly a year for EUROPARC members to come, keep and work together.
With this report we are bringing you an overview of what the EUROPARC Federation has been working on and for: our last annual conference in Killarney National Park (Ireland), the election of a new Council and President, the European Day of Parks, our participation at the World Parks Congress in Sydney, and much more…
You will also find the summary of the achievements coming from the regional and national EUROPARC Federation Sections.
With a membership that comes together, keeps together and works together we are sure of more success to come.
See here EUROPARC’s 2014 highlights – the German and French versions are also available!