Nord Milano Park
Following the decision to integrate Fedenatur and EUROPARC Federation, the creation of a Fedenatur/Periurban commission is a response to that and a clear signal of the commitment of the newly combined network.
Building on the excellent work of Fedenatur in taking forward the important work of the periurban parks, this new commission will seek to build a strategy for EUROPARC to take forward.
Combining the respective memberships creates a Protected Area network that will cover 40% of Natura 2000 sites (marine and terrestrial).
The periurban parks are extremely important greenspaces where peak daily visitation can reach 34.000, more than attend most major European league football matches. In and around towns and cities, Fedenatur member parks provide services for a total population of almost 24 million people. Added to the 73 million people who visit, the 56 million who live beside and 4 million who reside in parks awarded with EUROPARC’s charter for Sustainable Tourism, the members of the combined organisation serve a constituency of at least 25% of the European population.
The extended network will add new stakeholders, together seeking nature conservation and sustainable development solutions to the challenges that face us all. EUROPARC has built considerable proficiency in the support of protected area management and looks forward to working too with stakeholders responsible for periurban parks, through this commission, to share experience, which will help all of Europe’s greenspaces and landscapes be places that are good for biodiversity and good for people.
Overall Mission
To prepare a strategy and workplan that will set priorities of the periurban agenda of work within the EUROPARC Federation.
- Nikos Pangas, Philodassiki Enossi Athinon, Athens, (GR) – Chair
- Riccardo Gini, Parco Nord Milano (IT),
- Annukka Rasinmäki, Metsähallitus (FI)
- Etienne Aulotte, Brussels Environnement (BE)
- Bérengère Vital, Grand Parc Miribel Jonage, Lyon (FR)
- Raimon Roda Noya, Parc Natural Collserola, Barcelona (ES)
- Teresa Pastor, Project Development & Charter Sustainable Tourism Manager, EUROPARC
The following people are not officially part of the Commission, but are included in the online meetings:
- Fernando Louro Alves, Monsanto Parque Florestal, Lisboa (PU)
- Andrej Verlič, Vodja Službe Krajinski park, Ljubljana (SL)
- Susanne Leputsch, Stadt Wien (AT)
Former members of the Commission
- Alberto Girani, former director Parco di Portofino (IT)
- Marià Martí, former director Parc Natural Collserola, Barcelona (ES)