Case Study
Nature discovery class trips to German Nature Parks
Contact name
Manuela Merz
Institution name
Association of German Nature Parks e.V. (Verband Deutscher Naturparke e.V.)
Region & country
The aim of the Association of German Nature Parks and the German trading company Kaufland is to give children with social disadvantages access to the local nature and to provide information on regional food and a balanced diet. As part of a project carried out in 2018, pupils from 50 school classes were able to take part in a professionally supervised two-day nature discovery class trip to neighbouring nature parks. This project still continues in 2020 with one-day nature discovery trips.
(Project duration: since January 2018)

Class trips
Liesen / Nature park Rhein-Westerwald

Class trips
Liesen / Nature park Rhein-Westerwald

Class trips
Liesen / Nature park Rhein-Westerwald

Class trips
Liesen / Nature park Rhein-Westerwald
Background of the project
As studies show, children from socially disadvantaged families often have fewer opportunities to experience and discover nature. External circumstances, especially financial aspects, make it more difficult to organise and carry out excursions in the school system. In addition, a connection between social disadvantage and malnutrition within this milieu is pointed out.
See above.
Solution and actions taken
Pupils of a school class were able to take part in a professionally supervised two-day nature discovery class trip to neighbouring nature parks free of charge. A total of 50 school trips were supported and carried out in 2018. The project still continues with a total of 40 one-day school trips carried out each year.
The two-day school trips are divided into two main topics. On the first day there is an experience-oriented educational programme on the subject of “Experiencing nature”. Contents on animals and plants are discussed in a playful way. The second day is dedicated to the topic “Nutrition and food”. The children learn which fruits and vegetables grow in the region, how they taste and what can be made from them.
Other institutions or parties involved
The project “50 school trips to nature parks” was implemented by the Association of German Nature Parks with financial support from the Kaufland trading company. A total of 46 schools from 32 nature parks took part in the project. In the respective nature parks, various nature park partners, such as beekeepers and farmers, were involved in the implementation and realisation.
Through the project, many children had the opportunity for the first time to go on excursions into the nature of their home region and learn about native animals and plants and healthy food. The evaluation of the project by the schools and teachers was very good.
Coordinating the many journeys between VDN, Kaufland and the participating nature parks and schools together was very time-consuming and personnel-intensive.
Lessons learned
Knowledge about nature and nutrition was expanded and deepened and the team spirit in the classes was strengthened. The school children served as multipliers who also brought their knowledge to their families at home and their circle of friends.
Contact name
Manuela Merz
Institution name
Association of German Nature Parks e.V. (Verband Deutscher Naturparke e.V.)