Webinar: EU Habitats Directive 2017
The EU Habitats Directive: from theory to practice
14th February 2017
On this EUROPARC webinar, we focused on the Habitats Directive and on the Appropriate Assessment framework.
The Webinar started with a general overview of this framework, made by Michael Hosek, and was followed by two interesting case studies. With the 1st case study, participants learned how the Appropriate Assessment is implemented in Hungary, with 2 concrete examples.
The second case study came from the Krkonoše Mountains National Park, in Czech Republic, and the focus was on cumulative effects: why they should be considered within the Appropriate Assessment framework and how the National Park has included it in their methodology.
Download the presentations
Habitats Directive and the Appropriate Assessment Framework, by Michael Hošek, Coordinator of EUROPARC Central and Eastern Europe.
Natura 2000 Appropriate Assessment Framework in Hungary, by András Schmidt, Deputy Head of Department for Nature Conservation at Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
A hundred times nothing kill the donkey, by Stanislav Březina, Botanist at the Krkonoše Mountains National Park, Czech Republic. Further readings: Download the Scientific paper published by the Czech Conservation Agency
Watch the full webinar and read the article