European Day of Parks 2017

Changing Climate Changing Parks

The Climate is changing, bringing changes that affect the life of every being on earth. Nature was never so threatened – nor so needed – as before.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we crop, they all depend on the quality of our ecosystems. From the mountain tops to the deep seas, there is a huge variety of habitats protected by National, Nature, Regional, N2000, Marine or Periurban Parks. In Europe, nature has a level of protection thanks to the work of our Parks: they preserve our natural resources and are authentic hubs of biodiversity.
They are our life support system.

Activities organised

The European Day of Parks 2017 was celebrated in 25 countries with over 400 activities. Only in Italy, 200 activies took place and were registered in the website From Spain, around 100 activities were organised across the country – you can download here the activities that took place in Spain. On the map below, you can have a glimpse of activities organised in other European Countries.

Exhibitions, practical workshops, several activities with schools, guided tours, were some of the main events organised during May and June 2017.

european day of parks 2017, climate change, parks

On the European Day of Parks’ 17 , we showed:

  • how healthy parks are fundamental for the livelihoods of millions of European citizens
  • how Parks are changing too, finding ways to face the effects of climate change and to minimise its impacts;
  • how we plant, care, restore and promote genetic diversity;
  • how we are finding new ways to reduce our footprint;
  • how we are promoting sustainability in our local communities.

Invite your neighbours to better understand the effects of climate change and how this also affects the Park. Inspire them with your example and make a real call to action!

Guidelines for Parks

Every year, hundreds of Protected Areas organise events with and for their local communities. This year we suggested 3 main topics to guide your activities.

Download here the Guidelines for Parks that gave our members ideas for their activities.

Promotion tools

Here you can access the communication tools we have created for you in over 20 European languages!