EUROPARC had a consulting role in this Erasmus+ project on Sustainable Development Goals that ran from 2018 to 2021.
The Agenda 2030 stands for humane living conditions worldwide and implementing the model of sustainable development. In 2015 the international community adopted the Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project “Decision-making support system for implementing the goals for sustainable development in protected areas – SDG.imp” aimed to present the SDGs and show approaches how to implement them in Protected Areas. For this purpose, a learning platform and supplementary materials for the implementation of the SDGs in practice were developed.
SDGs like “Clean water” and “Life on Land” might seem like the more obvious SDGs Protected Areas can work towards. However, the project demonstrated that for true sustainable development, Protected Areas should play a role in all 17 goals. Within the project 17 modules were created, one for each SDG, that demonstrate what Protected Areas can do and gives examples of good practices around Europe. These modules are collected into the SDG Learning Platform.
The project also developed “Decision Support Materials”. These tools, templates and working materials can help users to
- establish a baseline regarding the implementation of SDGs, identify priorities and set improvement goals,
- implement actions and plans contributing to the SDGs,
- monitor, measure and document the outcomes and effects of activities,
- draw lessons and modify activities where needed.
EUROPARC was responsible for delivering one of the final events of the project, which was held in the form of an online workshop due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch the workshop here:
A summary of the workshop can be found on our website here.