All links for 2022 activities of EUROPARC Spain!

Here you can find links for further exciting reading on the different activities.

ESPARC Conference 2022

The XXI Conference of EUROPARC-Spain took place in Sierra de las Nieves National Park and Biosphere Reserve located in Andalusia. The meeting brought together 150 participants from all over Spain. The conference proceedings include the conclusions of the workshops, which discussed the new scenarios for biodiversity conservation in relation to rural abandonment, fire management and prevention in protected areas, climate change adaptation, tools for visitor management, and the necessary alliances to involve local population in the benefits of protected areas. Learn more here.

LIFE Red Bosques Clima project: technical seminars

Within the framework of LIFE Red Bosques Clima project, two technical seminars have been held: one in the Basque Country about criteria to guide measures to adapt forests to climate change considering old-growth forests as a reference, and another in Castilla – La Mancha focused on restoration of forest habitats. A total of 85 professionals participated in the seminars, including technicians from protected areas, forest managers, researchers, consultants and rangers. Learn more here.

Experiences on protected areas, climate change and health

13 new experiences have been added to the EUROPARC-Spain WIKI platform. The experiences illustrate the role of protected areas in climate change adaptation and the health benefits of properly managed natural areas. Learn more here.

22nd edition of the Master’s Degree in Protected Areas followed by 30 participants from Latin America, Spain and Africa

For the first time in more than 20 years, the Master degree, organised by three public universities and managed by FUNGOBE with the collaboration of EUROPARC-Spain, was developed online, although face-to-face activities have been maintained, such as the study trip to a Biosphere Reserve in Galicia. This synchronous online course facilitates the participation of active managers from anywhere, avoiding the difficulties of travel, while ensuring active interaction between students and teachers. Learn more here.

200 people trained on climate change and protected areas

A training action aimed at unemployed people has been developed in which some 200 people have participated. The participants have been trained in a common conceptual basis for the development of adaptation to climate change in protected areas, including climate change adaptation criteria in the design of management plans and measures and in the development of economic activities linked to protected areas. Learn more here.

We are Nature – Restore, Rethink, Reconnect

As part of the celebration of the European Day of Parks, a face to face event was organised focused on the challenges of ecological restoration both under the perspective of scientific knowledge and decision-making. Learn more here.

EUROPARC Spain participates in the communication campaign “Our Protected Natural Areas”

EUROPARC-Spain promotes the communication campaign Our Protected Natural Areas, together with Global Natura Foundation and the Association SoyEcoturista. The Protected Lives series brings us closer to people who live in or have a close link to a protected area. Learn more here.

Successes and challenges

The main challenge for the coming years is the development of the new “Road map”, the “Programme 2030, Global change and protected areas. Living conservation territories for human well-being”. It was elaborated following a participatory process, providing a framework to develop actions towards conservation and restoration, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, cooperation with sectoral policies, and the social and economic benefits of conservation. Learn more here.