Map / Estonia

Welcome! Here you will find information about Estonia on:

  • Protected Areas management
  • The Training and capacity Needs Assessment reports
  • Capacity building initiatives/projects

Protected Areas management

Protected Areas  in Estonia are included in 3 main categories: national parks, nature Protected Areas and landscape Protected Areas.

There is one National Environmental Agency – The Estonian Environmental Board (EEB) managing all the PAs through the specialized departments in its structure and it is responsible for nature conservation, except the visitor management which is done by RMK (State Forest Management Centre). Rangers within RMK monitor tourists and fulfill infrastructural needs.

The Training and capacity Needs Assessment

The Training and capacity needs assessment report (2014) The ”Assessment of capacity development needs of Protected Area staff in Eastern Europe. Estonia” is based on a survey that has been filled in by the staff employed in the national Protected Area management system of Estonia in 2013.

The results of the surveys provide detailed information on staffing profiles, training provided in the past three years and structured assessments of competence, based on which recommendations have been developed.

The preparation and publication of this report was supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz: BfN) as a component of the project ‘Capacity Building Plans for Efficient Protected Area Management in Eastern Europe’ (Number: Z1.3-544 11-63/12 (FKZ: 3512 82 1800)).

The report will be available for download as soon as possible.

Capacity building initiatives/projects

The Estonian Environmental Board has the main responsibility regarding staff training, and the training budget is centralized. It also organizes information days to train local stakeholders (landowners, local inhabitants, farmers, fishermen, etc.). Based on the criteria of how many participants were involved, a list of 30 trainings is available for download at the end of this article.

For other initiatives in the field of capacity building for Protected Areas that should be included here, please write to us at (state within the subject of the message: Capacity Building Section – Estonia).