Case Study
Living History – guided theme hiking trails
Contact name
Petra Kneesch
Institution name
Nature Park Our
Region & country
In cooperation with the neighbouring region in Germany, the Our Nature Park developed an innovative tourist product to preserve the region’s cultural heritage and enable visitors to experience it. Under the motto “History/Stories you can touch”, the “postal history tours” take guests and locals back to everyday life in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Living History guided theme hiking trails - Scenery
Nature Park Our / Caroline Martin
Living History guided theme hiking trails - Scenery
Nature Park Our / Caroline Martin
Living History guided theme hiking trails - Scenery
Nature Park Our / Caroline Martin
Background of the project
Up to now, the range of guided hikes available in the Our Nature Park included only the classic version of purely informative guided tours.
Until 2016, innovative experience hikes in the style of a “living history” offering were available only in the south of Luxembourg.
– The development of an innovative, sustainable tourism offering that helps to bring the region’s natural and cultural characteristics closer to inhabitants and guests in a lively and fun way.
– Sensitization and further training of the actors (tourism actors, tourist guides, nature parks, municipalities) to implement successful new products.
Solution and actions taken
The idea of “living history” guided tours was developed in a working group consisting of tourism professionals, park employees, local historians and a consultancy. The historic “Thurn and Taxis” postal routes were identified as a unique selling point for the border region of the Our (L) and South Eifel (D) parks. In the 16th and 17th centuries, these horse-drawn-carriage postal routes between Rome and Brussels went through today’s border triangle region between Luxembourg, Germany and Belgium.
A Luxembourgish-German working group was formed (tourism actors, tourist guides, local historians, nature parks) to develop the concept for the postal history tours, which take guests on a journey into the 16th & 17th centuries
Exchange with organizers of existing “living history” offerings
Further training for tour guides
Organization of a transnational launch event “Historical Postal Route Day” on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the postal contract and the start of the hikes
Other institutions or parties involved
Our Nature Park, South Eifel Nature Park, the regional tourism associations ORT Éislek (L) and Tourist Information Arzfeld (D) (project organizers and partners), the Luxembourg and German municipalities concerned (project partners), local historians and tourist guides (research and conceptual work), an external consultancy (consulting, further training, conceptual work), Luxembourg Post Office (advertising partner), Luxembourg Ministry of Tourism (financial support).
The “postal history tours” have become an integral part of the cultural-tourist experience offerings in the region.
– The work involved and the time and money spent in the conception phase was much higher than initially planned.
– At the end of the project development phase, only a few tour guides felt confident enough for the new concept of staged hikes.
Lessons learned
The willingness to develop innovative offerings to preserve the region’s cultural heritage and let visitors experience it has increased significantly among the region’s actors (municipalities, tourism actors, etc.). New products are being developed: listening tours, interactive theme hiking trails, etc.
Contact name
Petra Kneesch
Institution name
Nature Park Our