Transboundary Cooperation: A “b-solution” to face and solve obstacles

Collaborating with the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), we will present an European instrument to face and overcome legal and administrative barriers to cross-border management.

About the webinar

On 07th of September members of the TransParcNet and other crossborder Protected Areas joined EUROPARC and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) for the very interesting and concrete webinar “Transboundary Cooperation: A “b-solution” to face and solve obstacles”.

Legal and administrative obstacles can have a big impact on the transboundary cooperation of Protected Areas and of communities living and working on borders.

That is why the European Commission created a very useful service to help private and public crossborder entities to analyse and solve these difficulties, and the DG REGIO has designated AEBR to implement this new service, called “the b-solutions tool”.

B-solutions tool provides legal advice and expertise without any costs for the applicant.

The procedure to submit an application is simple and the results can be used on the territory with the other involved stakeholders.

This has been well illustrated by Lisa Bardot of Scarpe Escaut Plain European Nature Park (BE/FR) with the experience Water Governance of Crossborder Rivers in a Franco-Belgian European Natural Park”.

Presentation: Scarpe Escaut Plain Case Study

The presentation “b-solutions”, an instrument from the European Commission to solve obstacles to cross-border cooperation” by Cinzia Dellagiacoma and Mariane Bloudeau of AEBR, described comprehensively the tool, the procedure and all details of the service, answering also to different practical questions from participants  of the webinar.

Several cases have already being examined: the results of these b-solutions are recorded in a series of publications available on the AEBR website. They constitute a good collection of ideas and solutions.

Presentation: The b-solutions tool

EUROPARC is strongly committed to support the crossborder cooperation among Protected Areas. Stefania Petrosillo of EUROPARC presented a short introduction of the “Transboundary Parks Programme and the network of certified Transboundary protected areas “TransParcNet”.

Presentation: EUROPARC’s Transboundary Parks Programme

Knowledge Hub

EUROPARC is convinced that this service could be really useful for crossborder Protected Areas, therefore we strongly recommend to our members, and in particular the transboundary parks members of the TransParcNet, to profit of this opportunity.

The call to present new cases and requests of help is open until 10 November 2023. Proposals should be submitted via an online form, accessible here:, where all info and FAQ are also available.

The preferable language is English, but the proposal can be submitted in other languages too.

Get to know our speakers

Cinzia Dellagiacoma – Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).

Cinzia works as Project Manager of the “b-solutions” initiative, promoted by European Commission’s DG REGIO and AEBR. The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) represents the interests of border regions.

Mariane Bloudeau – Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).

Mariane works as Project Officer of the “b-solutions” initiative. Sharing the same context and institutional objectives than Cinzia, she is responsible for the implementation of the project for improving cross-border cooperation in Europe.

Lisa Bardot – Scarpe-Escaut Regional Nature Park.

She is the cross-border cooperation officer at Scarpe-Escaut Regional Nature Park, located in the north of France. Among her tasks, she coordinates with the staff and elected representatives of the Escaut Plains Natural Park, across the border, on the Belgian side.

Stefania Petrosillo – EUROPARC Federation

She is the Policy Officer in Brussels for the relations with the European Institutions. She has a long experience in international cooperation in EU and non-EU countries, and she is the person in charge of the EUROPARC Transboundary Parks Programme.