Webinar: Nature, Health & Protected Areas 2017

Natural Benefits: Nature, Health & Protected Areas

28th March 2017

In this EUROPARC webinar, we explored the potential benefits of physical activity to health and how Protected Areas are having an active role in promoting the use of green spaces.

The webinar kicked-off with an interesting overview of Natural Benefits through the link between ecosystem services and the constituents of health and well-being, presented by Peter Rawcliff – Manager of People and Places Unit at the Scottish Natural Heritage and leader of the EUROPARC Health and Protected Areas Commission.

Participants had then the chance to learn from 2 practical examples from EUROPARC Network. On the first case study, we traveled to France to learn how the Espaces Naturels Régionaux is promoting a “Sport-Health-Nature” approach at regional level, through the engagement of Protected Areas and several community-involvement activities.

On the second case study we were inspired by the innovative work being developed in Scotland at a national level and how the Scottish Natural Heritage is really putting health and well-being in the agenda, through the creation of the programme “Scotland’s outdoors – Our natural health service”.

During the webinar, participants have shared other interesting resources and best practices, which are also available below.


Natural benefits: Nature, Health and Protected Areas – an overview by Pete Rawcliff, Scottish Natural Heritage

Case Study 1 – Outdoor Sports, Nature and Well-being by Mélissa Desbois, Espaces Naturels Régionaux

Case Study 2 – Scotland’s Outdoors – Our natural health service by Bridget Finton, Scottish Natural Heritage

Interesting resources

Coming Events for you:

Watch the full webinar and read the article

