Seminar-Dialogue 2018, organised by EUROPARC and DG ENVI, Brussels, December 7th 2018
Seminar Dialogue with the European Commission 2018
Partnerships for biodiversity: European policies and the role of Protected Areas
On the 7th of December, 30 participants including protected areas representative, managers, and experts, and several officers from the European Commission DG Environment (ENVI) and DG for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC), attended the Seminar-Dialogue 2018. The initiative, organised for the second time by the EUROPARC Federation and DG ENVI, proves to be a great success in sparking the dialogue about European policies and how they are being implemented in by protected areas and Natura 2000 sites.
Every year, EUROPARC invites members of the network to showcase their achievements in the European Commission – DG ENVI. In 2018, we looked at Natura 2000 management, agriculture in protected areas, youth, and the connection between culture and nature, through the presentation of several case studies done by EUROPARC members, and policy updates shared by officers of different European institutions.
It has been also the occasion to present the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto to the Mr. Humberto Delgado Rosa, Director of the Natural Capital in DG ENVI and to Alessandro Senesi, Deputy Head of Unit, Dir. B Youth, Education and Erasmus+, DG EAC (Education and Culture).

Laura Peters, Youth Representative in the Council of the EUROPARC Federation, handing the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto to Humberto Delgado Rosa.
Download the presentations
- Multiannual financial framework 2021-2027 – state of play and next steps, European Commission
Natura 2000 Management
- Development in the implementation of the EU Action Plan for nature, people and the economy, by Luisa Samarelli, DG ENVI
- Nature conservation Governance in Latvia: achievements and challenges ahead, Juris Jatnieks, Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia
- Natura 2000 management in regional parks: challenges, needs and successes in Emilia-Romagna, by Massimiliano Costa, Romagna Parks & Biodiversity Administration
- The IUCN Green List for Natura 2000, Sustainability Standard, IUCN
CAP and Sustainable Agriculture
- The EU Financial Framework post 2020: update on the CAP Reform, by Jérémie Crespin, DG ENVI
- CAP and EUROPARC, by Stefania Petrosillo, EUROPARC
- The CAP in Regional Nature Parks in France, France Drugman, French Federation of Nature Regional Parks
- Role and challenges of parks in the management / promotion of agro-environmental measures, Guido Calvi, Adamello Regional Park
Youth involvement
- the EUROPARC Youth Manifesto, by Laura Peters, EUROPARC Council
- The EUROPARC Junior Ranger and Youth + programmes, by Carol Ritchie, EUROPARC
- Linking Natural and Cultural Heritage, by Sylvia Barova, DG ENVI
All photos are available on EUROPARC Facebook account.
The initiative will be organised again in 2019. We will publish very soon more information about the Seminar-Dialogue on European Policies 2019.