Spain – 21 May 2023 – Compost contest

Compost contest

Date and Time
Duration:2.5 hours
Organiser:Organisation: Centro de Educación Ambiental El Águila / protected area: Zona de Especial Protección de Aves 56
Centro de Educación Ambiental El Águila (Calle Rodetas 18, Chapinería, España)


Compost contest

The Environmental Education Center “El Águila” organizes a compost contest…

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The Environmental Education Center “El Águila” organizes a compost contest in a natural protected area in Chapinería, Madrid (Spain). This protected area belongs to the Red Natura 2000 figure. It´s a Special Protection Area under the Birds Directive called “ZEPA 56”, from the Spanish abreviature “Zona de Especial Protección de Aves”.

In this activity, participants that make domestic compost, can participate in order to know the quality of their compost. The compost proofs apported by participants will be tested by compost experts of the company Humus Summum ( They will test essential variables of a good compost such as pH, humidity, granularity, colour and odour. Winner compost will receive a 1st, 2nd and 3rd award related to guidelines books of sustainable agriculture.

This event aims to promote the domestic compost as a way to recycle our organic waste, obtain natural fertiliser and reduce domestic waste in landfills.

The public target of the activity could be anyone who makes domestic compost: families, scholar compost, associations…

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