In this section you will find selected information and useful tools and resources on Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. It should help Protected Area staff, tourism businesses and other stakeholders who are willing to start integrating, promoting and supporting Sustainable Tourism in their work, as well as experienced professionals.
ERASMUS + Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow
The ERASMUS+ Sustainable Tourism: Training for Tomorrow project aimed to build the capacity of professionals in the field of sustainable tourism. The project brought together partners working on different fields in the sustainable tourism sector, and its main goal was to jointly develop a European standard for Sustainable Tourism Training for Protected Areas. The project produced a Toolkit and an Online Learning Platform.
Visit its official website for more information!
Knowledge Hub
Find inspiring case studies or share your own experience and best practices through our Knowledge Hub!
In the past, EUROPARC has organised a number of thematic webinars connected to the topics of Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. These are just some of them:
- Sustainable Tourism – Training for Tomorrow: A new tool to help learning about Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas on 23 November 2020.
- Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: the experience of CEETO Project on 8 May 2020.
- Sustainable Tourism: Managing and Monitoring Tourist Flows in Protected Areas on 7 March 2019.
Find all our previous webinars here and keep an eye on future EUROPARC webinars.
ECST documents
You can download all documents regarding the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) in the EUROPARC Library.
Interesting readings
‘The Impact of COVID-19 on the Management of European Protected Areas and Policy Implications‘
A study carried out by the FIDELIO research project in which the EUROPARC Federation contributed, analyses the impact of COVID-19 on Protected Area management and its policy implications. Read a summary here.