Workshop at EUROPARC Conference 2019, Latvia
This year, at EUROPARC Conference, we hosted 14 different workshops, which contributed to one of the key topics: Politics, Business, Health, Arts and Creation of Spaces. The 4 hours session enabled participants to look at best practice and the latest developments in that field of work. Below you can download the presentations.
A final discussion was held in each workshop to identify the 3 main challenges for a better development/implementation of that topic in the work of European Protected Areas. The outputs of those discussions were gathered in the “EUROPARC Green Diagnosis” and presented by each workshop leader on the Friday morning session.

Federico Minozzi and Barbara Pais presenting the results of their workshops and the respective “Green Diagnosis”
Then, delegates were invited to join a second workshop on one of the key topics – Politics, Business, Health, Arts and Creation of Spaces – to define the solutions of those challenges, and draft the “EUROPARC Green Prescriptions” – with the solutions, resources and stakeholders needed to make the change and add nature in our mind in all spheres of society. The Jurmala Communique was born out of the results of the Friday sessions. A huge thank you to all participants for their inputs and expertise.

Working on EUROPARC Green Prescriptions, at EUROPARC Conference 2019, Latvia
Download the Workshop presentations:
1. Politics
Workshop 1.1: How much money do we need for effective Natura 2000 management?
Case study: Strengthening investment in Natura 2000 and wider biodiversity under EU funds – the role of Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAFs) and LIFE funding, by Micheal O’Briain – Deputy Head of Nature Protection Unit, DG Environment – European Commission
Case study: Introduction and overview from across Europe, by Michael Hosek – EUROPARC Federation Natura2000 Commission chair
Case study: The Latvian experience in financing Natura 2000 and protected areas management, by Juris Jātnieks
Workshop 1.2: Sustainable fisheries in Marine Protected Areas: how can we make them possible?
Case study: Fisheries assessment for management measures in Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone in Norfolk, UK, by Fiona Tibbit – Marine Lead Adviser, Natural England, and Alice Tebb – Agents of Change Project Coordinator, Marine Conservation Society
Workshop 1.3: How do we increase the training, capacity building and professionalisation needs of 21st Century Protected Areas and N2000 site managers?
Case study: Future Landscapes Project, by Marie Micol – The National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Workshop 1.4: What new standards are need for National Parks: perspectives from the Netherlands?
Case study: Develop and recognise standards for National Parks, by Hans Schiphorst – Low Countries section
2. Business
Workshop 2.1: What cost-effective and low-impact models are possible for businesses and protected areas to manage sustainable tourism?
Case study: How to plan and monitor “long distance walking trails”, by Asnate Ziemele – Latvia Rural Tourism Association “Lauku celotajs”/ Baltic Country Holidays
Case study: What are the needs and motivation of future consumers regarding sustainable tourism experience in protected areas?, by Agita Līviņa – Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, UNESCO Chair in Biosphere and Man
Workshop 2.2: How can nature-based solutions, innovation and traditional knowledge, support biodiversity and farmers’ income in Protected Areas?
Introduction: Agriculture-nature based solutions: Innovation and traditional knowledge to support biodiversity and farmers income in Protected Areas, by Stefania Petrosillo, EUROPARC Federation
Presentation: Short Update from Brussels on CAP Reform debate, by Stefania Petrosillo, EUROPARC Federation
Case study: LIFE to alvars: Restoration and grazing for reintroduction of Estonian alvar grasslands together with farmers and landowner, by Kaja Lotman – Environmental Board of Estonia
Case study: The EU program Horizon2020 for Research and Innovation in agriculture and biodiversity, by Riccardo Bocci – Rete Semi Rurali/Farmers’ Seeds Network
3. Health
Workshop 3.1: Nature on your doorstep – how can parks and protected areas realise their potential for contributing to health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities in our towns and cities?
Introduction: How can parks and protected areas realise their potential for contributing to health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities in our towns and cities?, by Pete Rawcliffe – Scottish Natural Heritage (UK), and Liesbeth Van Gysegem – Regional Landscapes Limburg (BE)
Case study: Cumbernauld Living Landscape – the Wild Ways Well programme, by Paul Barclay – Senior Project Officer, TCV Scotland
Case study: Finnish National Urban Parks – From vision to practice, by Jukka-Pekka Flander – Senior adviser, Counsellor of Environment, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Workshop 3.2: Nature for your mind – how can parks and protected areas use nature based programmes to improve the health and well-being of people and nature?
Introduction: Nature for your mind, by Bridget Finton – Scottish Natural Heritage, and Nele Sõber – Estonian Environmental Board
Case study: Branching Out Programme – positive mental health through nature, by Nathalie Moriarty – Branching Out Manager, Scottish Forestry
Case study: Wilderness therapy programmes – a walk on the wild side, by Jo Roberts – CEO, Wilderness Foundation, England
Workshop 3.3: Nature’s health benefits – how can parks and protected areas make and communicate the case better to our politicians and policy makers?
Introduction: Nature’s health benefits – making the case, by Joel Erkkonen – Parks and Wildlife Finland
Case study: Making the case for our natural health centres – a Spanish perspective, by Carles Castell Puig – Conservation Manager, Natural Areas Department, Provincial Council of Barcelona
Case study: The magic numbers – measuring the health and well-being benefits for visitors to Finnish National Parks, by Liisa Kajala – Senior Advisor, Parks and Wildlife Finland
Results by Mentimeter: What do health benefits of nature mean to you personally?
4. Arts
Workshop 4.1: What synergies and unexpected combinations of Nature, Art and Design are possible to benefit protected areas?
Case study: Crossing Boundaries in Finnish Protected Areas: the wonderful mix of art and nature, by Sanna-Kaisa Juvonen – Metsähallitus Parks & Wildlife, Finland
5. Creation of Spaces
Workshop 5.2: How do we manage green exercise and the increase of outdoor sports in periurban parks?
Introduction: Green exercise and outdoor sports in Periurban Parks, by Teresa Pastor, EUROPARC Federation
Case study: What interest does a park have in organizing or hosting sports events and what are the rules to be adopted to limit their negative impacts?, by Damien Prost-Romand – Grand Parc de Miribel Jonage (Grand Lyon)
Case study: Trails and zoning in Parque Florestal de Monsanto (Lisbon) devised to make green exercise and biodiversity as much compatible as possible, by Fernando Louro Alves, POR
Workshop 5.3. How do we adapt protected area management to a changing climate?
3′ of inspiration – a short video explains how to link climate change and biodiversity loss for non experts.
Introduction and presentation of the “NaturAdapt survey report – Climate change adaptation in European Protected Areas, state of play”: Olivier de Sadeleer – Project Manager, LIFE NaturAdapt, EUROPARC Federation
Preparing for climate change adaptation in your Protected Area – Key learnings from Cascais Ambiente, Portugal – João Dinis – Head of Office for accelerating urban transition in Cascais Ambiente
Developing climate change adaptation for your Protected Area: Key learnings from Teide National park, Spain – Jose Antonio Atauri Mezquida – Coordinador de proyectos, EUROPARC España
Based on the workshop and the following discussions, the article “Climate change adaptation for Protected Area managers – discussing solutions” was published. Read it here