The TransParcNet meeting 2021 took place online on the 10th of June 2021 with the theme: The Transboundary Protected Areas and the EU Green Deal.
The Transboundary Protected Areas and the EU Green Deal
The Annual TransParcNet meeting is usually hosted by one of the members of the cross-border areas certified by EUROPARC in the framework of the EUROPARC Transboundary Parks Programme “Following Natures Design”. In 2021, due of COVID19 emergency and travel restrictions, it was organized once again online.
The event was addressed to TransParcNet members and some specially invited crossborder areas. More than 70 participants from 24 countries and from the EU institutions attended the event.
The meeting was facilitated by Stefania Petrosillo, Policy officer of EUROPARC and person in charge of the Transboundary Parks Programme, with the support of Esther Bossink, EUROPARC Communication officer, and the special collaboration of Elisa Tuaillon, former EUROPARC intern.
The topic of this year was the EU Green Deal and how can Transboundary Protected Areas contribute to achieving its goals.
The European Green Deal is the plan to make the EU’s economy sustainable. We can do this by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities, and making the transition just and inclusive for all (European Commission).
What can this new approach offer to the cross-border Protected Areas? And which is the contribution that EUROPARC Transboundary Areas can provide to reach this crucial objective for the whole European continent? The TransParcNet Meeting 2021 addressed these questions and tried to find possible answers.
And download the full report from the event:
EUROPARC thanks everyone for their participation! We are looking forward to the TransParcNet meeting 2022, which will take place in Binntal Veglia Devero Transboundary Park (CH-IT), and next year finally in presence!
Speakers’ presentations
By clicking the buttons below, you can download presentations from each of the speakers.
Transparcnet 2021_Ignace Schops
TransParcNet 2021_Gilles Kittel
TransParcNet 2021_Federico Minozzi
TransParcNet 2021_R.Auzins S. Santi
TransParcNet 2021_Przemek Oginski
TransParcNet 2021_Marta Munoz Marti
TransParcNet 2021_Mario Grubisic
TransParcnet 2021_Joao Capitao
Co-funded by the European Union.
The organisation of this event has been supported financially in the framework of the European Commission’s (Directorates General Environment and Climate Action) LIFE + funding programme of operating grants for European Environmental NGOs. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the event lies entirely with the authors.