Below you can download the workshop presentations and outcomes introduced during the 2015, in Regensburg – Germany.
Keynote speakers explored the environmental, political, economic, social and organisational factors which influence Protected Areas. All presentations can be downloaded below.
– Ignace Schops, EUROPARC President, talked about Climate Change, the role of Protected Areas in addressing the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, and left a clear message “Think Globally, act locally and change personally”;
– Jonathan Hughes, CEO of Scottish Wildlife Trust, highlighted the Value of Protected Areas, an important subject that will be soon discussed at the World Forum on Natural Capital;
– Alberto Arroyo Schnell, Senior Policy Advisor of WWF Europe, introduced the Environmental Policy Framework in Europe and discussed the future of Natura 2000, claiming that it is time “to move from conservation victims to conservation fighters”;
– Dr. Laura Meagher presented the importance of changing from within, and highlighted the role of cooperation “Change is uncomfortable, but collaboration can enhances resilience”;
– Youth enrolled in the YOUTH+ Programme also made their voices heard claiming “It’s now or never, we want opportunities to help!”.
They presented us with the video “Too old, too late” made by the participants of the 1st YOUTH+ Camp.