Frequently Asked Questions about Mature Forests – LIFE Red Bosques
LIFE Red Bosques, the project that aims to improve the management of Spanish Mediterranean forests included in Natura 2000 network, has recently released the key document “Mature Forests – Frequently Asked Questions“. Click in the image below to download the English version of this document (Spanish version also available here)
The work of LIFE Red Bosques is focused on providing the necessary support to a wide variety of professional profiles involved in the management of mature forests included in the Natura 2000 network, including forest managers, protected area managers and technicians from environmental departments of public administrations, land owners, politicians and decision makers. The variety of profiles and knowledgement dictates the necessity to create comprehensive information that responds to the needs of each group and that also provides basic information to non-especialized audiences.
“Did you know that mature forests host greater diverstiy of species and structures than younger forests, making them more resilient to Climate Change?”
Contributing to the appreciation of the forests
“Mature Forests – Frequently Asked Questions” compiles the most commonly asked questions regarding forest maturity by both professionals on this area and the general public. For its creation, LIFE Red Bosques has relied on scientific literature and a large group of experienced experts in the matter with the intention to contribute to the appreciation of the last remainings of the Primeval Forest that still exist in our continent.
The document is divided in 6 sections that cover different subjects, from the explanation of main concepts to the role of mature forests inside the Natura 2000 network. Below you can see the list of topics covered and some of the queries that the document aims to answer:
• On the concept of mature forest – What does mature forest mean? what are the differences between a virgin forest, a mature forest and an old-growth forest?
• On intervention in mature forest – Learn more about the management in mature forests. Are interventions negative? Can we accelerate the state of maturity?
• On harvesting in mature forest – Is forestry possible in mature forests? Is public use of a mature forest compatible with the conservation of its fragile biodiversity?
• On the value of mature stands – Considerations about the economic and social benefits that mature forest bring to society and their role towards climate change.
• On forest disturbances (fires and pests) – Is it possible to have a mature forest in a high-fire-risk environment? Does the presence of dead wood increase the risks of pests?
• On stands of reference for the Natura 2000 network – Find out what is a stand of reference, a mature stand and how their meaning within the management of Natura 2000 areas.