Announcement: YOUTH+ decided for their EUROPARC Youth Representative 2018-2020

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During the last week the young people active in the EUROPARC Youth+ programme stated their opinion in a mail consultation process. Now it is official: Congratulations to Laura Peters – the old and new EUROPARC Youth Representative!

Laura Peters at the EUROPARC Conference 2017, Magic Mountains, Portugal

The election process took the form of a mail consultation, where the young people involved in the main Youth+ programme actions of the last 5 years were asked to express their support, disagreement or abstention in regard to Laura Peters (23) being re-elected as Youth Representative (YR).

Read into Laura’s full application and watch her personal video message here. To get an overview of  the requirements for the role of a EUROPARC YR check out this article. For some background on some of the main milestones in the Youth+ programme mentioned check out:  EUROPARC Youth Conference 2013 Declaration, the Youth+ Camp 2015 Aigüstortes Declaration, the Youth Conference 2017 Presentation.

We are glad to announce there was only supportive feedback on Laura Peter’s candidature and understand the feedback of the Youth+ demonstrates that they are ready to keep working the way they have started together. Informed about the outcome Laura states

I am very happy to have another two years as the Youth+ representative and am looking forward to working together with all the Youth+, the Youth+ Council and the EUROPARC Council in this period. See you all at the Conference in Scotland!

Expressing their votes, supporting the role of the YR, the young people active within the Youth+ network are making it clear: they want their voice heard directly in the EUROPARC Council. The EUROPARC Federation in turn very much appreciates their dedicated commitment and energy, the new ideas and dynamic approaches the youth brings into our network!

The EUROPARC Federation is looking forward to another 2 years of great teamwork and good progress on our activities with the youth from Protected Areas across Europe! Keep up the good work everyone – we’re glad to know you all on board and are excited to keep advancing our youth activities with you. 🙂 
